[h1][center]Amotep Alliance[/center][/h1] Emperor Aemon stands over a table covered in crudely drawn maps, rough reports from the dwarven flying scouts. They where mostly trapped in this area, a small shaft of light came from a crack far below. The dwarves estimated that it could take weeks to find safe passage down, longer if they had to tunnel through the soft walls of the cavern. With all his people and armies, much less the dwarves and mages, the provisions they had wouldn't last. The dragons grew restless, gravely displeased that they could not move freely. Aemon looked at the maps frustrated, action must be taken. Aemon managed to convince the dragons to help carry some Dwarven engineers and Golems down to the crack under the door. They rapidly carved a hole into the soft wood of the door. With the strength of dragons and dwarves the hole was cut open and widened large enough for a dragon to slip through, albeit snugly. The elder red dragon slipped through and looked about, and vaguely noticed the LAAT floating about the ceiling but the dragon ignored the distant fighter, more concerned with its immediate surroundings. The Shade master exits the closet and into the hallway, instantly he stares up LAAT, feeling.... something. a presence like a fellow mage, but different. The mystery intrigues him, so many new mysteries to solve. Several Golems left through the door establishing a perimeter, although it was redundant as the locals had scattered the moment the dragon crawled though the opening. The dwarves rigged some large cranes, utilizing some salvaged cables and wood in the dusty corners of the closet. Using these cranes they lowered the civilians and armies down through what seemed like miles of empty air. On the ground the Arch mage Izalith was called over to a large plate in the floor, "Izalith, this plate thrums with arcane energies. we are unsure of its purpose but we found dozens of mana crystals and provisions on it." The witch Izalith replies, but her eyes fixed at a distant point while she thinks of something else. "Very well, split the mana with the Dwarves. I am sure they will need it as much as we do... I... am sure that the Emperor will distribute the other supplies as needed." The Emperor, his General, and Thrane gather at the base of the plate with Izalith, distributing the supplies as best they could and setting a plan of action. Aemon spoke first, "we need to establish defenses and shelter first and foremost. this room seems to be easily defensible with the one entrance." Thrane nodded, "I agree, we shall build a fortress around the entrance with cannons, walls and spikes. Ill have my engineers on it immediately." he paused in thought a moment, "... However, i do not know what to build them with, we have no forges, no quarry, nothing." The Emperor grimaced, "send out your scouts, we will find you the materials you need. For now.. build temporary defenses, wooden spike walls with my incinerators and gunners. It should keep out all but the most determined foe." Izalith chimed in, still distant in thought "A few mages on the line will ensure that nothing will get through save for a true siege army." staring down at the maps the Emperor nodded, he didn't bother tasking the dragons with anything. They would do as they wished, chances where high that they would go out hunting at some point and would bring back news of their exploration. Shortly there after the group broke up and began sending their people off to their tasks. The dragonfly scouts flew out of the hole cut in the base of the door and fanned out, a squadron going in each direction. For the time being they avoided going down stairs and kept their patrol to the upper level. The Shade Master flew off with the squadoron that was going in the same direction as the LAAT.