[@Ghost Queen] 1. Aside from the obvious baseline of normal humans, some chimeras might be more inclined to avoid contact with others by their DNA, though possibly unlikely to leave their respective societies entirely on account of human needs and all, whilst others may be even less inclined to become hermits than normal humans through the same genetic inclinations, and let's not get started on what happens when those desires conflict. The "average" is probably similar to humans, though since it varies so wildly based on the DNA you're infused with, you'd probably end up with a situation like [url=http://xkcd.com/1725/]this[/url] if you tried to average it out across all chimeras. Draconids probably share hermitage rates with humans due to various factors balancing themselves out in their race, whilst Husks don't become hermits. Their expansion is too important for any member to not help expand Husk borders. 2. Humans breed at human speed. Chimeras breed at speeds appropriate for the midpoint between the animals that are part of their DNA, including humans... so, I dunno, an animal that goes into heat on particular schedules may become more fertile at certain points in the year without losing fertility entirely in the rest of it. Draconids breed pretty slowly, with part of the reason behind that being meta-balancing, and also because dragons were likely very slow breeders, which would be sped up but not negated by the human portion of their DNA. And Husks... well, the thing about Husks is that whatever genital structure they had prior to resurrection is long gone. Nowadays, they "breed" by basically injecting the necrotic goo inside them into an intact corpse, transforming its body massively and resurrecting it as a new Husk, complete with appropriate powers based on the host body, after a period of "incubation". So, they get new members basically as fast as they can find corpses, and since killing people is the quickest way of acquiring new corpses, they basically breed as fast as they can kill. Hence why they're so potentially threatening to the other three factions, as you can imagine a zombie pre-apocalypse would be.