A fight soon broke out between Ace and some goons, and it seemed like all the people she just met were quite eage to jump on Ace's side and turn this small scuffle in an all-out skirmish. However, the fuse was quickly defused when a middle aged man, apparently a teacher, trapped everyone's feet with large amouns of rock and stone, even hers. She managed to stay out of the fight, so she wasn't in any kind of trouble with this fellow. Still... [color=f7941d]"Sire, excuse me..."[/color] she spoke up. [color=f7941d]"Considering these two guys are seniors who have already attended clases in this establishment, it should be they who get the punishment, as it is all but stated that they know what the rules are. We are simply a group of newcomers who happened to fight back to this unfair treatment so, if we didn't act up, you would've not seen them bullying a poor underclassman."[/color] Tanya cleared her throat an continued. [color=f7941d]"If any kind of punishment should fall in the offended group —Ace Quinzel and his friends— it should be a warning, nothing more than that."[/color]