[hider=Timber Vulpi] [b]Name::[/b] Timber Vulpi [b]Nickname::[/b] [b]Age::[/b] 16 [b]Race::[/b] Fox Faunus [b]Appearance::[/b] (Without the tails) [img]http://img1.ak.crunchyroll.com/i/spire3/631119e91a4c51d57a1646d59d5872db1438443977_full.jpg[/img] [b]Personality::[/b] Timber possesses a calm and level headed demeanor while also a touch socially awkward. He's a thinker, often found muttering to himself as he thoroughly runs through his pensive thoughts. This sometimes results in him zoning out and accidentally staring at those around him. It's a habit that causes a good amount of shame but thanks to it he's excelled as an aspiring Huntsmen. The knowledge he accumulates in the average day about people, his surroundings, and the training by the schools translates to an prodigious skill for combat. Constantly analyzing his opponents and constantly adapting new tactics in the midst of battle using everything he knows as well as what he learns over the course of said battle is how he keeps evolving and getting stronger. Timber is a clever fox indeed. [b]History::[/b] To be added. [b]Weapon::[/b] [i]Paladin's Howl & Fang[/i] Paladin's Howl is a large cannon with a grip that allows Timber to fire it from his waist rather than over the shoulder, as well as be swung and used as a heavy melee weapon. Possessing two barrels, the main one is shaped as a wolf head and fires powerful blasts of lightning using dust. The secondary barrel is located at the back end and fires a more dispersed blast acting as a thruster and propelling Timber around. Paladin's Fang is a powerful revolver that is used for rapid fire attacks utilizing lightning and earth dust cartridges. [hider=Paladin's Howl and Fang] [img]http://elwiki.net/wiki/images/thumb/9/95/FGBTest.png/380px-FGBTest.png[/img][img]http://www.fanfiktion.de/?a=s&n=Chukun&i=1[/img] [/hider] [b]Semblance::[/b] [i]Kitsune[/i] Expanding his aura, Timber is able to manifest up to six fox tails (similar to those in appearance) that he can use for both offense and defense. These tails can also be imbued with dust for added effect. Since they are created from his aura, the lower his aura the less tails. This also means that while his aura is being diverted to the creation of the tails, the less there is acting to shield his body. To utilize all six tails means to abandon defensive properties of his aura for offensive power with a limited range of protection. Arguably his true combat potential lies in the use of his semblance and his style of close quarters combat utilizing his tails. [b]Dust::[/b] Lightning and Earth Dust [b]Other::[/b] Timber is an excellent pianist [/hider]