[b]Dante[/b] Dante grabbed his suitcase and placed the details of the letter and map in his pocket. He looked at the time seeing it being 7:30 in the morning. He pulled up his sleeve and pressed the middle button of his watch and as he did the watch began to expand and form armour all around him. Soon enough he was fully covered and encased with high tech armour. He grabbed the suitcase and used the boosters on his feet to blast himself off towards the Academy [b]Princess Seninia[/b] Princess Seninia was already on her way to the meeting place currently sitting in her Royal Carriage. She held a small white lilly as she stared out the window blankly worried for what was to come. She found it hard to make friends and she was worried that she wouldn't be good enough in this academy with so many others joining. She closed her eyes and looked on forward waiting for her arrival. [b]Kong[/b] Kong looked at the letter and then threw it in the air as he did he shot a fire blast out of his mouth and destroyed the letter and details completely. He then began to run as fast as he could and when he met his limit he jumped, shooting up to the air. Just as he began to fall his pole staff extended to the floor and even more so which pushed him up more and more until he passed the clouds and shortly after reached the island. He jumped and landed on the floating island then shrunk his pole staff so he could place it away. [b]Winter[/b] Winter got the letter......somehow? Even though she had been her crystal ice cave hiding for 5000 years which was her entire life time. Anyway she got the letter and decided it was finally time to leave her crystal ice cave however she wanted to meet some of her fellow students and decided to go straight to the meeting place so she could meet both students and the headmaster himself. She opened her crystal wings and flew out quickly towards the meeting location. It didn't take her long at all to reach the large field and as she did a huge shadow would loom over Farran and even if he didn't notice, he would certainly notice the ground shake as winter landed on the floor. She smiled to him before speaking softly. "Hello there, who would you be?" She hadn't quite noticed Pozuzy yet as she kept her eyes on Farran [b]Drumdawn[/b] Drumdawn got the letter somehow and read it over to himself. He got himself up and opened his wings and immediately set off towards the meeting point. He wanted to meet his fellow students and teachers so he could get to know them. He flew quickly towards the location and got there soon after Winter and Farran did. Once again, a huge shadow would loom over Farran and the ground would shake as he landed. He gave her a small smile, not expecting anyone as big as him, and a winter phoenix as well? He had to admit, they were all wonderful creatures. "Greetings you two. My name is Drumdawn and who would you be?" The two heads took in turn to speak. Even though there were two heads they both had half a brain each which made up to one full personality between them. He folded his large wings and sat himself down while studying the winter phoenix in front of him as well as Farran. [b]Yoshihiro[/b] Yoshihiro walked slowly towards the meeting location with the letter and details in his pocket. He was honestly in no rush to get there as he knew not everyone would of arrived as of yet. It was way too early but it was best getting there early rather not at all. He held his sword tightly in his left hand as he walked calmly feeling the dirt in between his toes.