[h3][color=0076a3][center]~Eirwen Soyala~[/center][/color][/h3] Eirwen, was annoyed. Not that that was anything new for her, really. Most things had a habit of doing that. When you had the personality of pretty much hating everything that wasn't silence, food, money, or the gentle caress of a cold wind, you got annoyed by things pretty easily. She liked to think she wasn't that sort of person naturally, though. When you get only two hours of sleep on a daily, twenty four hour basis, you tended to develop a rather irritable demeanor. Most things, she could end up tolerating to some extent though. Her parents. Being locked up in her room like some sort of...creature. Not that she minded. It was for the best. The less irritable she was, the less chance of something bad happening. So why, of all things, was she being sent to attend some gods forsaken academy!? That, was something she couldn't tolerate or find any bright side too. If anything, it'd be bad times for everyone involved, wouldn't it? Eirwen sighed. Of all things, she even had to walk there. Some pre determined meeting spot so she could be 'taken' to this place. Wouldn't it have been simpler to just make it somewhere [i]everyone[/i] could have access too? Complicated, annoying, creatures. At least it wasn't too bad of a walk, and it wasn't all that warm out. She'd have liked to have come during winter...but it wasn't like she had a choice. When she arrived, she glanced boredly at everyone else gathered. Any who cared to glance at her, would easily be able to tell she was irritated if the small frown and glare were anything to go by. Honestly, standing here was tiring. She'd prefer to sit somewhere...find a nice warm bed to curl up in and try to sleep. Not to mention hungry...nothing new there, though. Hungry and Tired made up about the bulk of her feelings. She kept to herself, staying a good distance away from the others. This many people were not exactly all that comforting to her. Soon enough, they'd probably start being loud...and talking...and being sociable and 'friendly'. She almost wanted to eat them.