Fuchs listened to his creator read him the letter of his acceptance into the mystical academy and even though he was an inorganic golem, he knew that this was a big chance for him to get an education. also this would mean that he could get a chance to socialize with others and get know human emotions better. After his creator finished reading him the letter, they started packing. Since he was a mechanical being powered by the mystical power of the occult, there wasn't much he needed to bring with him besides school supplies and a repair kit. Once they were finished, Howard drove Fuchs to the area where those that could not fly were to meet and be led to the academy. Howard and Fuchs said their goodbyes, and then his creator drove away. With his things in his single hand, Fuchs walked over to where the other students were gathering to be taken to the school by the headmaster. He didn't say anything since he wanted to observe the organics and their behavior with one another.