Sneaking in like a snek to drop off a character. [hider=Mary][center][img][/img] [color=#E9DAA1][h2]"That's pretty sad, to be honest."[/h2][/color][/center] [color=#E9DAA1][b]Name:[/b][/color] Marianne Beiget [color=#E9DAA1][b]Nickname:[/b][/color] Mary [color=#E9DAA1][b]Age:[/b][/color] 17 [color=#E9DAA1][b]Race:[/b][/color] Human [color=#E9DAA1][b]Appearance:[/b][/color] Mary stands at 5'4" and is of a thin build. At a first glance, Mary looks like she is some sort of background character. This is entirely true; she has no discernible qualities about her that are impressive. She's neither ugly, nor is she some sort of beauty. She's just there. Her most notable feature is the fact that she wears a grey hat that has an "N" on it. What this letter signifies is a mystery to the world; nobody has ever been told the answer (because nobody has asked, really). She does have a fond enjoyment of large, washed-out yellow shirts and carrying her bag around with her. [color=#E9DAA1][b]Personality:[/b][/color] Mary, unlike her bright name would let you presume, is extremely uninteresting. She has no super special snowflake traits about her personality. She speaks in a normal tone, acts in a normal way, and is rather neutral on every single issue. It's like her only personality trait is that she's average. However, one trait of hers stands out; frugality. Mary hates the concept of dust. She believes it as a waste of money, even if the dust is free. She acquired this trait from her father, who inherited it from his father, and his father, and so on and so forth. Besides that, she's like a piece of whole-grain bread. [color=#E9DAA1][b]History:[/b][/color] Mary was born like most; to a loving mother and caring father. Her family had been a long line of hunters and huntresses, each of them carrying their ancient Lever-Action Rifle with them. No one of her family line is notable; they were all just there, as if they were background characters to other's stories. While one may be ashamed or bored of this history, Mary loved her family and ancestors. Romanticized heroes never won wars; the people who won wars were the everyday Average-Joe. To Mary, she was one of these Average-Joes. She had a very neutral personality and was never exceptional in any category. She was the perfect candidate for a war-winning common-folk. Her upbringing was quite modest. She had necessities. Her parents weren't rich, but they certainly weren't poor. They were both retired hunters (due to an accumulation of injuries), so they ended up taking regular jobs for common folk. Mary was quickly acclimated to this upbringing, choosing to stretch her allowances to buy things that she liked. However, the vanity of materialistic desires never took root in Mary. Instead, she wanted to follow in her parent's footsteps. They couldn't really say no, as it was the exact path that both of them had taken, so they let her. After trying her hardest to prove that she was the perfect candidate to become a generic hunter, she entered a combat school. The school wasn't too notable; it was rather average. However, Mary tried her hardest to learn. After her entire run, she took the test to Illuminate Academy. She passed. Barely. She reached a completely average score, allowing her to be barely accepted. With her bloodline's rifle, she took arms to join the fight against the Grimm. However, upon reaching the school, she was met with with a total culture shock. Everything was so, state of the art and futuristic. Nothing like her modest upbringing, nor her rustic combat school. It made her want to die on the inside. It must have cost millions to create such a school. Unable to cope with the idea that a large academy that raises people to protect the world would cost so much, she joined up with her team, and the rest is, as they say, history. [color=#E9DAA1][b]Weapon:[/b][/color] [center][color=#E9DAA1][h2][b]Lever-Action Rifle, or Something[/b][/h2][/color] [img][/img][/center] Mary uses the unnamed Lever-Action Rifle, or Something. It isn't an interesting two-form weapon. It fires high-power blasts of air, to the point of piercing most targets. However, because of it being an air-rifle, it diffuses and loses power over range. Because of Mary's weak excuse of melee, she is best suited as a mid-range fighter who just stands there and fires. The second form of the rifle is extremely half-assed. It changes form by a blade springing out of the end, creating a bayonet. While in this form, the gun can not be fired due to the air being used to constantly vibrate the blade. However, because of this property, the bayonet can slice through most things. The blade is tiny, though, so it's rather useless against anything that's larger than a bear. [color=#E9DAA1][b]Semblance:[/b][/color] Normalcy That Normalcy Was Jealous Of, Mary has the power to equalize the odds. The strength and special abilities of enemies is constantly sapped, but only when they attack Mary. Mary has no idea how this power works, nor can she really control it. It just happens. Whenever she gets attacked, the attacker goes a bit slower and less powerful. It's not very impressive. Additionally, it has the side-effect of weakening semblances. Stronger semblances can completely ignore this effect. [color=#E9DAA1][b]Dust:[/b][/color] None. Dust is too expensive. [color=#E9DAA1][b]Other:[/b][/color] The N stands for Narianne. Her uncle thought her name was Narianne.[/hider]