The masked woman observed the group she had gathered silently as they went about plotting their course of action. The heroes were young and still had much to learned, however she had faith that they would learn quickly how to act as the team that they so desperately needed to become if they were to survive the dark days ahead. Her voice rang out once more, a soothing and even tone that somehow commanded attention despite it's gentle nature "[b][color=92278f]It appears as though you all are capable of handling what comes next without my needing to get involved too often. I shall take my leave for now, but rest assured that I will be watching all of you. Meet back here tomorrow before nightfall.[/color][/b]" she stated before she began to fade from everyone's view. Before disappearing entirely, the masked woman's head would appear to hang freely in the air as her eyes bored into the group, "[b][color=92278f]One last thing, remember to be careful and watch each other's backs as you would your own. I may not be the only thing that is watching you...[/color][/b]" She warned, her words echoing slightly as she disappeared completely and left the group to their own devices. After the meeting was brought to a close the group would split off to prepare for what was to come next, each of them with their own tasks. Jacque for his part would spent half of his remaining night preparing potions, a few spells and small golems, and other little knick knacks for the mission. The following day for him would consist of a morning shift at the tea shop along with a bit of idle chat with his boss, this would be followed by him rushing back to his apartment to change into his costume and grab his supplies and pet before he bolted right back out the door, doing his best to keep a low profile as he made his way downtown to the Archer. Upon arriving Jacque took it upon himself to sit near the door to the back room, where he soon began to alternative between eating mint leaves and muttering lowly, seemingly to no one at all. To the average Joe Jacque may have looked like a complete crazy person, however as far as the bokor was concerned, his muttering was completely justified. His pet had been fussing at him for the better part of an hour and he was tired of it. "[b][color=00746b]Look, I know the shrinking potions taste bitter, but if I go adding something to sweeten them then they may end up having residual side effects.[/color][/b]" He said before his hat began to shift around on his head, "[b][color=00746b]I don't know what kind, that's the whole point![/color][/b]". Yet more shuffling came from the hat, this time accompanied by a small hiss, "[b][color=00746b]Well it's not MY fault you always wanna tag along! Most places aren't exactly pet friendly you know. I mean really, if people were to see you in here right now then this place could get shut down for health code violations.[/color][/b]", more shuffling still, "[b][color=00746b]Ugh, ok Juju look, I will *try* to figure out how to get rid of the bitterness safely, but no promises. In the meantime quit yer fussin'. If you cooperate and we pull this off without a hitch then you can expect and extra rat this week.[/color][/b]". Jacque's had gave one last shake and then lie still, prompting a relieved sigh from the bokor just moments before he consumed another mint leaf and proceeded to wait patiently for the rest of the group to arrive.