[b][u]Argentina Rhosphrus & Zephroth[/u][/b] Argentina could not decide on weather or not she wanted to meet everyone yet. She didn’t want to go to the big meeting place and attack everyone but then again she did want to see what happened when many people grouped together. Her curiosity was tempting her to go to the meeting place. What worried her though was that she didn’t know who or what would be there. If there was another vampire like herself it could prove to be very dangerous. What she feared the most was sensing another’s hunger. Her face paled slightly as she looked at Zephroth [b]”What do you think Zepheroth??”[/b] she would ask before she began to elaborate and red the letter to him. [b]”Should we make our way to the academy alone or should we go to the meeting area?”[/b] Zephroth tilted his head as he thought about the subject for a moment. He then kicked up some dirt into the air and manipulated it into words as the earth floated there for a few minutes. [I]”it is your choice Argent, but know this I will always protect and look out for you.”[/I] it was his way of saying that what ever her choice he would protect her. Argentina smiled when he used his favourite nickname for her a she then made up her mind. She would let her curiosity take her to the meeting place. She wasn’t going to be in the open though, she preferred the dark shade of the forest. When she arrived at her destination she would peer out from behind the trees, being careful to stay hidden but not too bothered if a few people see her. She would remain quite at she watched the group of people grow. From the cover of the trees it felt almost as if her heart had stopped as she could sense through her power of sensing emotions that someone was hungry. Hungry for flesh. It was like a lightning bolt had struck her. She closed her eyes and dug her claws into the tree next to her. That single emotion was enough to just about set off her bloodthirsty nature. Taking a couple of deep breaths she begins to steady her breathing and soon she opened her eyes once more and begins trying to pin point whose emotion of hunger she had sensed so strongly. [b][u]Kyle Maxallion & Zerphina [/u][/b] Kyle loved interacting with others, he liked to find out what other people’s personality’s were like and what odd quirks they have if any. When he recived the letter from the mystical academy he simply could not believe his eyes and he jumped up and down in joy, as people passed the ally way people just stared at him as if he was crazy. He just smiled and winked at the strangers which only creeped them out more. Kyle didn’t care as he was finally going somewhere better than where he currently was. He packed what little items he had into a small bag and went on his way. As he passed some charity shops he would steal some better looking clothing before making his way to a river deep in the woods where he would wash himself then change into his new clothes. [b]”its better I give a good impression rather than a bad one.”[/b] he would say out loud to no one in particular just as his ghostly demon wolf appeared seemingly from nowhere. Anyone watching would find it odd that he wasn’t startled by the odd looking wolf’s sudden appearance. Kyle however could sense and smell its presence and he know that Zerphina wouldn’t allow him to go alone. Kyle didn’t mind he was actually that she was coming with him. H smiled at her and she returned it by hanging her tongue out her mouth then proceeding to allow him to rub her chest. No words were exchanged as none were needed. They both had the instinct of a wolf so they had their similarities. It didn’t take him long to get to the meeting site. He noticed that the group wasn’t as big as he expected, maybe not everyone had arrived yet. Kyle decided to just wait he had plenty of time to interact with people later.