[center]Location: Shadow Ridge Den Interacting With: [@A Tattooed Girl]'s Denali, [@GhostWing]'s Anum, [@Polaris North]'s Trevor and Robyn (briefly) [hr] [color=f6989d]Chinua looked up as her mate reappeared through the undergrowth with Robyn in tow, her tail swinging back and forth as he nuzzled his head up to hers. The she-wolf returned the gesture, a few soft whines of excitement escaping her before she stepped back to shake out her fur and nodded. [b]"I would love to go down to the river, actually. I might go crazy if I have to be stuck in the den doing nothing for much longer!"[/b] she admitted, chuckling as she nodded towards the other two wolves that had been with her.[b]"I was just asking Anum and Trevor if they would come with me, actually, I wasn't sure when you would be back."[/b] Chinua began to head in the direction of the river, her usually smooth gait slowed by the extra weight of her enlarged belly so that it was less of an elegant trot and more like a clumsy waddle. The rest of the pack would have to slow their pace to accomodate her lack of mobility, which irriated the alpha female somewhat. If there was one thing she hated, it was being a nuisance and making extra work for the others. She paused as Robyn and Ivan passed them and nodded to them. [b]"Good morning, Robyn!"[/b] she returned the greeting, [b]"Good luck, and safe patrolling! Let us know if you find anything unusual!"[/b] of course it wasn't necessary to remind the other she-wolf of this, Robyn was a smart wolf, she would report anything strange back to Chinua and Denali straight away. They could always count on her to do that. [/color] [/center]