[center][color=purple][h1]Part 1: The Soft Winds Blow[/h1][/color][/center] [center][h3]Last Known Sighting Lieutenant Kozlov of the Moscow Espionage Bureau[/h3][/center] [center][img]http://cache.desktopnexus.com/thumbseg/10/10463-bigthumbnail.jpg[/img][/center] [center][color=gray][i]"This is Lieutenant Kozlov reporting in. Half the squadron has been taken by...something! I knew crossing the swinelands was a bad idea. And for what? To be devoured by some...beast. Does anyone copy?....Alright. It seems I am the last true son of the Motherland here today. I am heading into a cave system, I repeat.......it has found me, and it is...This is the last you will hear from me. The Americans are doing something here...something dangerous...I repeat..s-"[/i][/color][/center] [center][color=00aeef][h2]Boca Diablo News Report, May 1st, 1984[/h2][/color][/center] [center][i] "Good morning, and welcome to May!" "That's right, Phil. Today is Tuesday, May 1st, 1984. So far, nothing much to report! The power plant has led to astonishingly low bills, along with gasoline costs plummeting! Truly, Boca Diablo does seem to be turning around!" "Indeed. In other, slightly less cheery news, still no word on the mayor, or lack of one. For those not in the know, Mayor Thompson..." "And to wrap up your morning, why not head on over to the new Feddie's! That's right! The famous, perhaps government operated chain of restaurants has decided to choose our little town as it's next franchise..." [color=gray] "This is a warning. I come from the beyond. They lie. The only hope fo-"[/color] "Sorry about that interruption, folks! It seems our signal was...hijacked? Why, that's big enough to get on the news! Federal agents are already being dispatched to dispose of the..."[/i][/center] [center][color=39b54a][h2]Geological Report from Boca Diablo Power Plant[/h2][/color][/center] [color=gray] May 1st, 1984 At 5:30 am, the ground around Section 1 began shaking heavily. Cave systems are still unusable. Continued growth of Axis moss leads us to believe that a large quantity may lie below. Decipher not yet retrieved [/color] [center][color=f7941d][h2]Church of the Flower, Sermon Segment[/h2][/color][/center] [center][i] "...And who grows around us but our benefactors, our lords, the flower? They live above and below, spreading beauty and life. And the damnable leather devils are trying to breach their sacred abode? They haven't the right to do such a thing, and they shan't. For the messages of the Great One shall reach them, and the messages shall be spread about the world..."[/i][/center] [center] The sun is hidden behind a layer of clouds. Thunder rumbles in the distance. Agents from the government scan the swamp for criminals. People go about their lives. They do not know the truth has been eclipsed from them. Their sun of hope blotted by a web of lies. Boca Diablo, by the end of the year, shall either be completely erased, or the herald for a new era. You, and the people around you, will be the ones to decide that fate. Forces beyond comprehension are at work behind the Great Curtain. Begin your day as regular, and soon you will find the destiny of the town in your hands. Welcome to Boca Diablo[/center]