Kai Kai was flying around making his morning deliveries to all the jewellery stores, luckily his powers allowed him to create all kind of high quality precious gems as well as fly all over the world to delver them this allowed him to make a descent living while exploring the world and having fun witch is prefect for someone as restless as Kai. While making his last delivery the shop owner past him a letter with a confused look on his face he asked. "why would a letter for you arrive here when you live so far away?" Kai looked at the letter and noticed academy,s seal so he took the letter as he replied in an unsettled town. "its from the ordinary mystical academy so they must have some way of knowing that i would be here probably some kind of magic" Kai read the letter as he left the shop with a smile on his face he decided to stop of at a store to buy a suitcase and new cloths it was much quicker then heading home to get his things once done he flew over to the meting place he figured it would be more fun then waiting in the grand hall for everyone to arrive. Ruby was in the gym doing her mornings workouts when one of her servants came to get her. "princess your parents requested your presence in the throne room" Ruby let out a soft sigh she hated having her workouts interrupted she grabbed her towel and dried herself off and headed to the throne room to see her parents with her servant walking close behind she stormed in and walked right up to them. "whats so important that felt you hat to interrupt my workout?" her mother just looked at her with a smile. "the letter form the ordinary mystical academy has arrived and you've been accepted" "of course i was accepted was their ever any doubt i would be?" she then looked to her servant. "go get my luggage its already packed in my room by the door ill be leaving soon so hurry up" she then looked to her parents "dad if theirs any trouble you two cant handle alone use your sound manipulation to send a sonic pulse towards the academy ill pick it up and head right back" once she was done she grabbed her suitcase of her servant and headed for the door and flew of heading for the grand hall. Charlotte Charlotte was taking a walk though town looking for an easy mark when she saw a nobleman whipping one of his servants she casual walked past him and slipped her hand into his pocket and pulled out his wallet she placed it in her pocket and walked towards a bench in the center of town she sat down, Charlotte pulled out the wallet and opened it she took out all the money and was about to throw it in the bin when she saw a folded up letter with her name on it she put the money in her pocket and grabbed the letter and thew the wallet in the bin next to her she was shocked and surprised to find she had been accepted into a academy she had never heard of before her curiosity compelled her check it out. Charlotte got up walked out of the town once she was sure she was alone she grew wings and flew towards the meting place. Rose Rose was in the garden taking care of her plants she grew a kinds of things from medicinal herbs exotic flowers and even a few pensions plants she used them to create all kinds of medicines for the surrounding villages as she brushed away the sweet on her forehead she heard footsteps behind her she tuned around and saw it was her farther he handed her a letter. "a letter form the ordinary mystical academy has arrived for you" Rose opened the letter and smiled as she read it. "farther i have been accepted i shall need to gather my belongings please tell mother the good news while i prepare to depart" she gave her farther a quick bow before walking into the house to gather her things once she was done she headed to the door where her parents where waiting her mother gave her a smiled. "i know you can take care of yourself but be sure to show caution around your classmates they to will have powers and abilities and they may not all be trust worthy" "of course mother" Her farther simply added. "make sure to work hard and keep up your training" "Yes Farther" Rose gave them both a bow as she bid them goodbye she then picked up her things and walked out the door and headed towards the meting spot. Alex was currently in Africa she had heard news reports of rebels rising up agents the warmongers that ruled with an iron fist and decided to go put the vermin down. Alex was in the middle of a battlefield she had not officially joined ever side instead she just joined the battle there was already a lot of blood shed on both sides the entire battled filed was covered in it she smiled as she hovered over the area suddenly the blood began to levitating off the ground while the soldiers look on in confusion as the blood formed blades and flew towards the warlords men impaling them. Alex then landed and walked over to the warlords main base collecting all the blood from the dead as she walked past them once their she began eradicating the slavers and warlords once she was done she saw a letter on the table addressed to her she pick it up and read the letter she then headed to the grand hall. Sabrina was laying in bed smiling with her eyes closed while controlling a number of dolls sending them all over town causing trouble although it was not all that difficult most people would freak out just by seeing her creepy dolls walking and talking on their own she could see and hear everything the dolls could allowing her to enjoy the chaos. Sabrina heard the mail box open and sent her last doll to go get the mail she saw a letter from the ordinary mystical academy the doll opened it up and look at it allowing her to read it she then got out of bed and recalled her dolls she then pick up the doll that was with her while straps grew out of it back and it got bigger she packed her everything she needed in its mouth and once the other dolls arrived they climbed into its mouth she then walked out the door and headed to the meeting place.