[b]Rika[/b] Rika continued to fly towards the island, but stopped when he saw a few people in the field, that must of been the meeting place. He lookes up slowly, staring at the clouds, wondering if he should go straight to the grand hall, or should he meet some of the students? He looked down, and sighed, he then slowly entered the field but for now, he ignored everyone. He went to the far back as he possible could be and sat on his own. He checked his bandage over his eye again then pressed against his eye. His demon teeth slipped out slightly and the bandage began to glow bright red but it was only for a moment as the teeth went away and the eye stopped glowing. With so many people around, his demon side was trying to claw itself out but Rika had control for now. There wasn't much negativity which was good, maybe the students here were going to be quite easy to interact with after all? [b]Prince Kuro[/b] Kuro entered the field shortly after as the carriage stopped right in the middle of it. The neko guards opened the door and Kuro came out with Yoruichi by his side. He looked around for a moment then he looked over to Yoruichi with a confused look on his face. "Where's the Headmaster Yoruichi?" As he began to talk some of the guards left and took the carriage away while the other remaining guards stayed. Yoruichi smiled gently before looking around. "It looks like he isn't here Prince Kuro." One of the guards bowed before Kuro and slowly looked up to him. "Prince Kuro, will you be safe here with Yoruichi?" Kuro nodded and with that the remaining guards left. They all trusted Yoruichi, in fact Kuro had pretty free range as long as Yoruichi was with him. She had all the brains while he had the brawn, of course he wasn't completely stupid. Yoruichi looked around once more, before nudging Kuro a little. "Kuro, why don't you go talk to one of the students? It would be wise to see who we will be working with." Kuro nodded to her before looking over to Sasha. He stared at her for some time before walking over to her. He flashed her a small smile before giving a polite bow towards her. "Hello, I am Prince Kuro, and who would you be?" Yoruichi looked around at the other students before walking towards Kuro. Her mission here was to analyse every student, and figure out who was a threat and who wasn't. She turned to Sasha and spoke up to her. "And I am Yoruichi, pleased to meet you." She gave a short nod of her head before sitting down beside Kuro. [b]Shela[/b] Shela walked with Drake slowly as they approached the field. When they finally entered she held on to her stuffed toy tightly. She stood still looking around quite stiff. All Drake could do was stare at her and the more she did nothing the more he got annoyed until it came to the point where he had to say something. "HEY! Are you just going to stand there like a stupid pathetic little girl that you are wasting everyone's precious time or are you actually going to socialise like you came here to do!" Shela sunk her head lower and continued to grip her stuffed toy tighter not saying a word. She whispered a single word which wasn't much at all. 'Sorry' Drake shook his head and sighed once more. [b]Miarikia[/b] Miarikia opened her eyes as Kaito walked in. It seemed some students were beginning to arrive. She stood up slowly and walked over to him before giving him a small smile. Well, she might as well talk while waiting, it was better than waiting around and being bored. "Hey, so, who are you then, wait, nevermind. Don't tell me." She waved her hand towards him, and suddenly a blue aura was pulled out of him. She grabbed it and stared at it for some time, before pushing it back towards him. When it was reabsorbed into him she spoke once more. "Kaito, a demon, huh? I think we'll get along great. I'm Miarikia, a demon witch." She smiled over to him, as he hair dangled and dragged along the floor. Flash came up beside her and spoke up loudly. "And I am Flash, fastest demon alive!" He gave a proud stance, lifting his head up high, waiting for approval in which Miarikia gave a simple nod. [b]Wolf[/b] Wolf came running into the field at full speed sprinting. When he arrived he looked around and sniffed the air a little then transformed shortly after to his normal wolf form. He shook himself then began to lick himself clean a little, including his hair, chest and legs. He was still an animal no matter how everyone looked at it. Once done he looked up and gave a smile to everyone. "Hello." He then looked to the sky but all he saw were clouds. He couldn't wait to get started. He then began to look and individual students. Only one caught his eye, Eirwen. He didn't know why, but something smelt off about her. He looked around and sniffed the air, then again, everyone had their own scent. He walked up to Eirwen and gave her a small smile. "Hey, I'm Wolf, who are you?" He tilted his head as he waited for an answer, meanwhile, his ears stayed perked, listening out for anything interesting. [b]Red[/b] Red came through the field with a huge 10ft snake. She giggled softly as she finally arrived and stroked it's head softly, she loved snakes so much. She had to have snakes as a pet it was the only thing she wanted. The huge snake began to speak as it turned it's head towards her. "Massssster. We are heressssss, yesssssss?" She nodded then jumped off the huge snake. Just before she landed a trampoline constructed in front of her made entirely out of paper. She bounced on it happily while she spoke to everyone. "HELLO! My name is Red, Yippie!" She giggled happily as she continued to bounce on the trampoline that she had just made. [b]Sky[/b] Sky continued to fly towards the meeting place, and once there he hovered off the ground gently. He looked around before smiling at seeing a Dragon. It was nice to see a dragon in the school. He found them fascinating, but then again, so were phoenixes. He continued to look around until he saw somebody hiding in the trees. He flew over to her and landed on the ground. The ring around his neck dangled gently as he did. "Hello, why are you hiding in the trees?" His black and white wings folded softly, his white wings now covering up his black ones considering they were bigger. Sky stared at her, waiting for an answer, and if she didn't answer him, he would take it as a signal to leave. [b]Pozuzy[/b] Pozuzy watched as students came, and his eyes lit up with full of joy, who should he play with first? There were so many options? More than he thought they'd be. He looked among the students, before laying his eyes on Irvine. He turned in the air so he was hovering upside down, before letting out a soft giggle. Immediately, he made himself upright, before flying towards Irvine. He used a quick spell, which made him invisible for the moment and attempted to sneak up on him. If this worked, he'd whisper into his ear. "I can see you....." He immediately flew to his front, he let out a snicker before he flew around him, making sure not to touch him, instead, he would just watch, and see how this student would react to the eerie message he had given him. [b]Shade[/b] Shade continued to walk towards the field, and soon enough, he arrived. He looked around but the light was bothering him. Normally, his left eye could see only the darkness, which meant he had partial vision during the day, but, if he used his powers to give his left a pupil like his right, then he would be able to see during the day however, it was the power thing he was worried about, but, he wanted to seem as normal as he could. He stepped back into the shade for a moment and lowered his head. His eyes closed and darkness formed around him. At that moment, those who were paying attention would feel a sudden dark presence around the area. The darkness moved around Shade as his ears folded back slightly, all that darkness seeped into him, flowing into his eyes, then he finally raised his head before looking towards everyone. Now, both pupils were present, and he could see into the light. He walked forward slowly before looking around once more. His gaze stopped on Kyle. Suddenly, his entire body melted into the ground, all that was left was a black puddle. It moved towards Kyle slowly, before the puddle rose and formed Shade once more. His yellow circle eyes stared at him, while the sun lit up the bright white skull. "Hello there, my name is Shade. Who are you?" His voice was dark, one that held no emotion, one that could be called eerie at best. It was a voice that was not to be trusted, full of misgivings and danger. Of course, that was just how the heartless were. [b]Foxy[/b] Foxy flew towards the field and when she arrived, she landed on the floor gently. Her blue eyes roamed around the area, scanning the different students, wondering what there powers may be. Her gaze stopped at what seemed to be a animatronic. It was strange to see something like that here, and so, she followed her curiosity. She flew over to it and gave it a confused look, which quickly turned to a friendly smile. "Greeting, my name is Foxy, what is yours?" She stared at it, now being closer, it was an animatronic, but what was one of those doing here? Surely, it didn't have powers, right? Somebody must of built it, was the creator around somewhere perhaps? [b]Prince Ali Sekhemi[/b] Sekhemi arrived shortly after on the huge elephant. As he did guards paraded on the field, blowing horns as loud as possible. Then seventy five golden camels came on through the field after that thirty five purple peacocks followed. Next was ninety five Persian white monkeys. Finally one hundred slaves were dragged through the field. All the while the guards were singing and dancing. So much so that they pushed Shela out the way knocking her to the ground not even attempting to pick her up. They just outright ignored her and with so much going on she would be trampled on if something was not done. When the whole song and dance was over Sekhemi got off his elephant and walked in front of everyone. "Where's the headmaster? He better not keep me waiting otherwise somebody is going to get hurt, very quickly." He ignored everyone on the field, not caring about one single person at all. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bb2HFylQVp0 Enjoy.