[hider=Sogiita Gunha][b]Name[/b]: Sogiita Gunha [b]Universe[/b]: Raildexverse [b]Appearance[/b]: [url=http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=45722176]When in doubt, trust your guts![/url] [b]Personality[/b]: Gunha is... A bit of an idiot. A kindhearted idiot who fights for the sake of justice, yes, but an idiot nevertheless. Incredibly hot-blooded and eager to solve issues without thinking them through first, Gunha also has a bit a tendency to get involved in messes that might not have BEEN messes in the first place. Often misunderstanding problems and context, he'll often jump into a problem with the idea that "if he has enough guts, then it'll be fine" or something like that. He's not a COMPLETE idiot, though; even though he may be the type to get caught up in rather strange situations, it's not as if he can't understand people or their issue. He just jumps to conclusions... Really quickly. If forced to, at least, he can stay put and TRY to work something out otherwise. [b]Abilities[/b]: As a Gemstone and one of the top espers in Academy City, Gunha's potential arsenal is... Rather large. The most relevant of this set is listed below. [list][*]Super Strength: Gunha can launch things a fair distance; for example, he launched a certain spiky-haired misfortunate high school student down a long path towards their target. [*] Pain Resistance and Increased Healing Factor: Gunha doesn't really FEEL much pain from most normal attacks and can shrug off things like, say, gunshots. Having resisted one of Misaka's larger lightning strikes and having caught one of her famous Railguns [i]with his teeth[/i], Gunha doesn't really care about that. He can also forcefully reconnect broken bones and staunch bleeding with, as he puts it, 'guts'. He can still feel pain, though; it's just the smaller stuff that really doesn't faze him. [*]Explosion Creation: In classic tokusatsu hero fashion, Gunha can create explosions of various types for different circumstances. These can be used to make a dramatic entrance or for more practical, combat-oriented purposes. [*]Attack Crash: Gunha takes a deep breath, takes a karate stance, dramatically opens his eyes and yells out the name of his signature move before launching a punch at his intended target. With enough force to damage a target over ten meters away, this attack is able to break through rubble. Gunha claims it to be psychokineis, but the truth is that even the scientists don't understand how it works. [*]Aurora Guard: In a similar fashion to his usual attack, Gunha shouts the words 'AMAZING PUNCH GUARD' and... Well, punches projectiles to the ground. Though it's not a perfect defense, it can deflect projectiles that have no real tangible form, such as electricity or lasers. [*]Enhanced Physical Capabilities: Aside from his super strength, Gunha can also move at superhuman speeds, can jump absurdly high, and... Can shout loud enough to create a shockwave that can break a fall. No, that's not a joke. [/list][b]Alliance[/b]: Team Charmeine [b]Other[/b]: Likes quoting 'guts' as the reason behind most of his actions. Don't think too hard about it. Comes from the latest release on Index LNs (which is, as of this post, NT16).[/hider] [hider=The Anguished One][b]Name[/b]: The Anguished One (aka Al Saiduq) [b]Universe[/b]: Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Survivor 2 [b]Appearance[/b]: [url=http://safebooru.donmai.us/posts/1323990]A name, simple, fleeting... Yet meaningless.[/url] Personality: The Anguished One is... An enigma. That's probably the most succinct way to describe him, to be honest; often times, he'll pop in and give hints about whatever threat is being faced, but at others he might be causing something to happen behind the scenes. Occasionally, it feels as if he's a part of neither team. When there is a goal he wishes to accomplish, though, there is no limit to how far he is willing to go in pursuit of it. Be that as it may, The Anguished One has an inclination to talk with people, because he just finds them interesting. He can hold conversations regarding deep thought just fine, but he absolutely [i]sucks[/i] at understanding subtler nuances like sarcasm. He's getting better at it, though. [b]Abilities[/b]: [hider=Spoilers Ahead!]Human Form: Resist fire/electric damage, null ailments. [list][*]Drain: Steal some HP and MP from a target (for RP purposes, sap health and mana to replenish his own stores). Almighty (aka no element). [*]Force Dance: Two to five gusts of razor-sharp winds. Will target enemies, but is random in regards to which. [*]Recarm: Revive a KOed ally or demon. They'll be barely conscious... More or less. [*]Force Amp: Make Force Dance do more damage. For the sake of the RP, it just means the wind hurts more. Yeah. [*]Endure: If about to be KOed once, remain conscious instead. Can shift into Alcor form A or just bail at this point, honestly. If he shifts, Saiduq will regain some (read: a giant chunk of) health but loses his human appearance. [/list] As Alcor, Saiduq has two 'forms' that he can assume, as seen [url=http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/megamitensei/images/1/19/Alcor_forms.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20131027045549]here[/url]. Form A is on the top right, and form B is on the bottom left. Alcor form A: Null physical attacks, resist all sans force and ailments; the former, he heals off of, and the latter he negates. [list][*]Ominous Star: Fires a projectile that targets an enemy. If it connects, the target takes more damage from the next successful attack, regardless of origin. [*]Mazandyne: Sends a massive gale towards enemies. Large radius. [*]Life Lift: Passively heal over time. [/list] Alcor form B: Takes massive damage from physical and force attacks, reflects all other magics. [list][*]Deathbound: Sends a burst of heavy attacks towards random nearby enemies at the cost of some of his own health. [*]Holy Dance: Similar to Force Dance, except with Almighty (non-elemental) bolts of energy. [*]Chaos Stir: Mirrors any actions taken towards him while in this state.[/list] While Alcor, he cannot summon or make use of demons actively. he can shift between forms A and B at will, but has a cooldown period between each shift. Oh, and he can fly around at will. Walking helps him blend in better, though, but he prefers floating. Demons: [url=http://vignette4.wikia.nocookie.net/megamitensei/images/a/ad/AsuraSMT.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20080706000754]Asura[/url]: Absorb fire, resist elec. [list][*]Mighty Hit: Overexerts the body to swing down on an enemy. HARD. [*]Inferno: Creates an all-consuming flame centered around self. Can heal off of said flames because of absorb fire, but only has so much mana to use for that. [*]Enlightenment (Racial Ability): Consumes mana to make the next magical attack from himself and Saiduq do more damage. Passively reduces how much mana is consumed per use.[/list] [url=http://vignette4.wikia.nocookie.net/megamitensei/images/3/33/SethSMT2.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20080806193335]Seth[/url]: Reflect fire, resist phys, elec, and force. [list][*]Holy Strike: Non-elemental magical flame that pierces physical defenses. [*]Ice Dance: Similar to the prior dances, except with giant icicles now. [*]Chaos Breath (Racial Ability): Naturally causes attacks and abilities launched to be done so at a farther range. Ex: punches send out shockwaves, and magic casts can target farther than before with the same amount of accuracy, if only at the cost of some mobility.[/list] [url=http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/megamitensei/images/7/7c/KazumaKaneko-Beelzebub.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20090219082929]Beelzebub[/url]: Drain phys, null ailments, resist all magic. [list][*]Multi-Strike: Sends out a flurry of attacks to all nearby enemies (represented as a swarm of flies being launched) at the cost of health. [*]Makarakarn: No-sell one magic attack. Must be prepped in advance and Beelzebub cannot do anything while preparing. Prep lasts ten seconds, the spell itself for five. Weaker spells can be reflected, while stronger ones are just shielded (so no reflecting an Excaliblast or anything). Missiles and the like count as physical. [*]Drain Hit: Physical attacks and Beelzebub's flies steal health off of what they hit. [*]Blood Treaty (Racial Skill): Recovers mana to party (aka Saiduq and himself) scaled to damage dealt. Triples the effectiveness of skills that drain health or mana from a target.[/list] [url=http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/megamitensei/images/5/5f/Alice-0.png/revision/latest?cb=20160908223814]Alice[/url]: Reflect phys (from a skill), negate ailments, resist all magic. [list][*]Shield All: No-sell any one attack. Same restrictions as Makarakarn. [*]Mediarahan: Recovers wounds of all allies sustained in the last two minutes, but cannot undo death or a KO. Once per skirmish, twice or more in an extended battle. [*]Ultimate Hit: Attacks ignore physical defenses. They're really just slaps, though.[/list] Alcor can only have one demon out at a time, and only while in human form. The demons will be NPCs under my control and can be swapped out at will. They take a bit to materialize depending on size, though, and Saiduq has to desummon a demon before he can pull another one out. Would have Botis and Bifrons, but those two were killed on the first world iteration and he never bothered using any resources to get them back. Now, he just uses the demons that the protagonist and co. left behind as they moved to their new world separate from the Akashic Record.[/hider] [b]Alliance[/b]: Team Zuriel [b]Other[/b]: Comes from the end of the Triangulum Arc Perfect Ending. Can theoretically fuse more demons up by using Nicaea, which is manned by the [url=http://megamitensei.wikia.com/wiki/Tico_(Male)]two[/url] [url=http://megamitensei.wikia.com/wiki/Tico_(Female)]Ticos[/url]. Has a tendency towards giving the opposing side the tools that they need to overcome a situation, but more often than not seems to be testing their potential instead. Nicaea is redistributable, so in theory he can spread that out for use as a program for anyone with a cellphone. It's an absolute mess to decode, though, and can't be modded without breaking the program itself.[/hider]