[b]Kai[/b] As Kai approached the meeting place, he could sense a highly concentrated dark energy source. As he flew over a large dragon, a phoenix and a cheetah, he let a bag of diamonds slipped out of his pocket just to see what they would do. The bag landed right in front of them and would break open as it hit the ground. As he arrived at the meeting place, he landed and took a quick look around. He noticed Shade and could sense the dark energy coming off him. It was clear he was responsible for the burst of dark energy. He decided to walk over. "Funny, I didn't expect such a little guy would be the source of so much dark energy." Kai suddenly caught a whiff of something that smelt like a wet dog. After taking another whiff he realised what it was. "I'm guessing you got a pet dog either that, or you got pretty friendly with one on the way over here. I'm Kai, nice to meet you two" [b]Charlotte[/b] As Charlotte got close to the meeting place she landed and her wings disappeared. She began walking the rest of the way to not draw any unneeded attention to herself. As she started walking, she saw a twin headed dragon, a large phoenix and a cheetah and heard the dragon and the phoenix talking to the cheetah. Her curiosity got the better of her, and she sped up to catch up to them. "A dragon and Phoenix talking to a cheetah, why does this sound like the start of a bizarre joke. Well I'm Charlotte." Just as she finished talking she noticed a bag of diamond land in front of them, she let out a small grin as she watched to see what the other would do. [b]Sabrina[/b] As Sabrina approached the meeting location she could sense a large amount of dark energy. As that began to fade she was able to pick up a faint sense of magic in the air. As she looked around for the source she heard something whisper 'I can see you' unfortunately it was invisible to the naked eye but that wasn't the only way Sabrina could see. The doll on her back turned it's head around and looked over her shoulder, as it did it could see what looked like a little imp. She decided to walk up behind it which was floating behind some guy as she did her doll whispered in the imp's ear with a creepy voice and a soft giggle. "And I can see you..." [b]Alex, Rose and Ruby[/b] As Rose approached the meeting area she heard what sounded like parade, as she looked in disgust at all the slaves, singing and dancing while praising their master. She was about to go over and say something to the one in charge when she saw a little girl about to be trampled by the guards, she ran over and used her plant manipulation to create vine whips that pushed the guards out the way, she then picked up Shela and whipped her vines out and latched onto a tree then swung her and Shela to safety. As Alex and Ruby headed for the grand hall, as they passed over the meeting place they could hear a loud commotion. Alex flew down to investigate. Ruby simply hovered over the meeting place and watched quietly. Alex walked over to Sekhemi as she did wounds opened all over her body and a large amount came out of her body and formed multiple blades. Blood spikes were fired out of the tips of the blades hitting all his slaves in the chest. Mixed in with her blood was a chemical that would render someone unconscious and give the appearance of death. Alex stopped as she stared in Sekhemi's eyes. "You and bastards like you are exactly what is wrong with the fucking human race. Greedy, self centered, arrogant, stuck up, loud mouthed, inconsiderate, violent and just down right rude, only caring about your self and what you want and you'll literally step on anybody you have to to get what you want, believing your superior to everyone around you and believing that false sense of superiority gives you the right to do what ever you want with anyone. Scum like you need to be put in the grave but considering killing another will probably cause me a lot of trouble I'll give you one chance to walk out of this alive and you even get to choose how you do it. You can either fuck off out of my sight and forget about this school, or get on you knees and beg for your worthless life. Rose turned around and looked at Sekhemi but before she could go there and have a word with him some crazy woman threatened to kill him. Rose put Shela down and told her to stay close to her as she put her left hand on the sheath of the sword, her thumb pushing against the guard revealing a slight sliver of the sword as the sun reflected off the edge. As she said this the blood blades approached Sekhemi's throat. Ruby was still hovering overhead watching the situation. She could tell Sekhemi had a lot of influence and power although he seemed to crave the praise of others. She had to admit, that was a little pathetic, although the girl who threatened him seemed more than a little unhinged.