Fuchs watched as more students began to show up and now he had even more people to observe. There was a werewolf who said hello to everyone with a friendly smile and Fuchs waved back in a simple manner. He understood the meaning of a hand wave, but it was a rather curious gesture that humans used for greeting when compared to other animals. Before Fuchs could respond to Wolf's greeting, the excitable werewolf walked over to one of the students to talk. The animatronic then went back to observing the other students. In an interesting turn of events, another fox-like creature appeared and looked towards him. The creature flew towards him and came to a halt in front him. Fuchs noticed the weird look on her face and he got the idea that his appearance must be weird to this organic creature. The creature's facial expression then changed to a smile and she introduced herself as Foxy and asked for his name. "Greetings. My name is Fuchs" he said focusing on her with his creepy-looking yellow mechanical eyes. He gave his version of a smile, which was showing his sharp steel fang with his mouth opened in a partial smile. Being a animatronic golem made it rather hard for him to pull of human facial expressions and therefor was limited in mimicking them. Then out of nowhere a massive group of camels following what looked like some member of nobility and his bodyguards. The spectacle was quite a sight to behold and the information that he took in was big. "It appears that a student who is high in the social classes has come to attend this school like the rest of us. It seems that this academy reaches out to many from all backgrounds" Fuchs said to Foxy. Then another stupid started to threaten the newcomer and even though he wasn't fully versed in human culture, Fuchs knew that it was not good for someone to be threatening another's life in such a manner, that's what his creator had told him. Fuchs kept his eyes on Alex and he had his hook at the ready in case things got violent. His creator had taught him how to fight and his supernatural stealth made it so he could move from one place to the next in human ways that was confusing to humans.