[color=a187be][h2][center][i]Meruin Hazy[/i][/center][/h2][/color][hr][hider=How She Arrived][color=a187be]"Thank you for your time, Master Reina, Mistress Chyse."[/color] A trio of females were gathered in front of a massive tree. Said tree also seemed to double as a home, with windows peeking inside, showing a living room and several floors worth of living space. Chyse, the golden haired Empress of Destruction, laughed in her characteristic manner, as she patted Meruin on the shoulder. [color=fff200]"You'll do fine kid. Yer a prodigy if I ever saw one."[/color] [color=silver]"Yes, I'm not sending you to the Academy to learn more about magic,"[/color] said Reina, the tallest among them. She was nearly seven feet in height, and her enchanting silver hair was even longer, trailing down and flowing over the ground. The woman with the moniker "Witch of Creation" smiled at her protege, brushing her hair with her hand tenderly. [color=silver]"But you've been too cut away from society. Magic is the study of finding the root of all knowledge, but you cannot do so if you cannot even recognize the branches."[/color] Meruin nodded. There was nothing more she could say; she was in complete agreement with her Master. Learning magic these past years was the highlight of her short life, but her progress would wither if she tried to cut herself off from the outside world entirely. So Reina had sent her request to the school in order to be enrolled; a few days ago, a letter that notified them of her acceptance had arrived, signalling the end of her stay here after ten years. Since then, she had been packing her necessary things for her stay there. Mostly her books. In fact, it was practically [i]all[/i] books. [color=silver]"Come then, your new home awaits,"[/color] said Reina, flicking her hair as she spread her arms wide, and clapped them together. In front of them, a tear in reality shone brightly, reflecting every color in a brilliant, incandescent, kaleidoscope. Reina nodded and Chyse gave Meruin a little push. The girl slipped through the tear, and in flash of light, disappeared. [color=silver]"Good luck to you, my apprentice."[/color][/hider] Inside the Grand Hall, a blinding flash of light enveloped its walls, and died down just as suddenly as it arrived. In place of the light stood Meruin, one knee to the ground and her eyes gently shut. She stood up slowly, regaining her bearings, and took a deep breath. Opening her eyes, her dull grey-green orbs flashed bright emerald for a moment, before subsiding back to their regular appearance.