While the Goa'uld may not have been fortunate enough to immediate see the Imperium when they arrived, they noticed quickly enough. it would be stupid to not have some sort of active detecting system up, not until the base they had was fully established. Needless to say, if they could detect the Stargate being activated before (improbable though it might be), they would be able to detect it happening again as the news was reported in. The news of the Imperium approaching was not likely to go over well when it came down to it. So while the army appeared outside the gates of the newly created Goa'uld base, there was activity from the approaching Goa'uld as well. By the time the Imperium had fully set up, they would find not much. The single Tel'tak, the Stargate, a dozen or so soldiers with staff weapons. Ultimately pitiful, compared to the might of this massive army that had been assembled before it. Then again, it wouldn't be the Imperium if there wasn't overkill involved. Still, they would find one thing waiting for them. Specifically Ba'al, standing at the front of the Goa'uld camp, dressed in his imposing robes and looking as smug as ever. "This is sovereign territory of the Go'auld Star Empire," Ba'al proclaimed as he looked over the force that had been assembled, obviously unimpressed. That said, he turned his attention to Dromari, regarding him carefully even as he spoke. "There was never any accord," he pointed out. "Merely an understanding, which I have decided is against my best interests. I seem to recall the summit where we were to agree to the accord being attached before it could be agreed to, and as such I have no reason to agree to a document that is not active in force, nor one that I am not bound by." His arms folded across his chest, he took on a grin as he looked at the Imperium commander, his challenge made clear. "Depart from this planet immediately, and return to where you came from. Any attack or attempt to remove my Jaffa will be seen as a declaration of war against the Goa'uld Empire, and trust me Commander, that is a war you cannot win." That said, he waited to see what Drmari would do. [@thewizardguy]