I was told not to do it. I was told it's impossible. I was told it would impede my progress as a person. I was told I am in desperate need, and it was just as a band-aid solution I came up with. I still don't understand, though : who in the feckless fuck did someone say that you couldn't be legitimate platonic friends with someone of the opposite gender? What kind of pussy shoots male pussies right out of the box? How fucked up did you have come out of the womb to say that women aren't capable of talking about competition, and men about feelings? If you're a real man and can bet me 100$ that you can nail any pussy, why be so protective about your women? If I never stood a chance, would the "feminine" talking really jeopardize her fidelity? Conversely, am I not capable of pondering the pains of a woman? Why bother bitching and whining about it every month if you don't expect me to? Why even bother spouting your bullshit if you're genuinely surprised you get feedback from your target audience?