[center][color=0076a3][h3]Elaine Soyala[/h3][/color][/center] So this was the ECAY, huh? Elaine stood at the front of the building, observing it with a rather neutral expression as she chewed on a piece of beef jerky. She couldn't say she was all that impressed, if anything it looked like your normal academy or high school. Then again she wasn't easily impressed, and perhaps she was an ill judge. All she knew, is that she was going to be glad to get inside. It was a little warm out here for her liking, and the summer break hadn't entirely been kind to Elaine. Arguing with her parents, being under strict supervision by some ECAY handler and told to be careful with her abilities. What? Did they think she was going to just start eating people or something? Pathetic. She had a little more self control than that. Slinging her bag over her shoulders, she headed inside. She didn't want to waste energy walking around, she'd get a tour soon enough...probably. If not, she'd explore later when she could be bothered. Likely at the time she could have minimal social interaction. People tended to be fairly tiring to deal with, and she didn't have much energy to spare. If the way the check-in looked in the lobby, this was going to be more tiring than she was used too. Eugh. Maybe she should try taking a nap after this, as futile as she knew it would be. Silently, she walked up to one of the stations for new students and waited as an ECAY personnel checked her bag. A bunch of dried jerky and some other non-perishable food. Clothes, of which she only had a few changes of. Some various books about philosophy and psychology, and a laptop. Nothing out of the ordinary, except for the amount of food stuffed in her bag. After that, was the standard routine for new students. Question after blah blah more questions. She answered them promptly, though in a tired somewhat half-assed way that seemed to make the questioner a little annoyed, but she finished regardless. Next was the physical exam, and aside from a comment about how...underweight she looked, she was perfectly healthy. The Psych evaluation prove a bit less...kind, though. While it wasn't anything extreme, she was told to at least try and work on her general grumpiness and well, try to actually get some sleep. Nothing she hadn't been told before. getting a schedule followed, as well as a general orientation to the place. By the end of it, she really felt like she was about to drop on the spot. Urgh, why did dealing with people have to be so tiring? She slung her bag over her shoulder, biting into another piece of jerky as she set off towards her dorm with a slow gait. With a yawn, she reached her assigned dorm and waltzed in without even looking at anyone else or seeing if any of the neighboring ones were empty. She tossed her bag on the bed, yawning again and stretching. The dorm looked like...well, any dorm one might imagine. Desk to study at. Bed. Noting too impressive. She flopped down on the bed, yawning again and taking up the entire bed as she laid across it. Just a few minutes would be nice, really. She closed her eyes, feeling the warm embrace of the mattress on her back.... Seconds passed. Minutes. ...and she opened her eyes again. Barely a few minutes passed. She yawned again, feeling somewhat defeated. Well, whatever. It wasn't like she was going to have to do anything else for the rest of the - right. The 'Social'. For the love of the great spirits...did they [i]want[/i] her to die of exhaustion or something? Urgh, they better have a lot of food there in that case to at least to make this worthwhile, else she might get more than a little cranky. The entire check-in process had already sufficiently made sure to put her in a bad mood...this was liable to put her into an even worse one. With a tired sigh, she sat up on the bed. She'd take some food with her just in case. As long as she ate, she'd be fine. She'd sort out her things later. For now, she wanted to get this little soiree over with, with as little interaction as possible. She stuffed some dried jerky in her pockets, left her dorm and headed to the gym.