"Yeah, he comes in from time to time. Quiet guy, doesn't like sitting too close to anyone, always looks pretty mad about something. I try not to get involved in their personal business, I just make the soup." Adrian pulled an annoyed face as he reached into his jacket and pulled out a card. "I'm going to have a look around. If I don't find him, and you should see him after I leave, call this number." "Yeah, okay, no problem. What did this guy do anyway? Seems like something the police should be handling, don't you spooks have phones to tap or something?" Adrian was in no mood for humour of any kind, "That's classified. Better prepare your next batch." He promptly walked away, keeping his eyes peeled for his partner and their suspect. It didn't take long for him to spot her, rushing through the thin crowd, shouldering people out of the way as politely as she could. "You saw something?" Adrian asked, concerned, yet not entirely convinced. His patience was so worn that if she came to throw a red herring at him he wouldn't take it well.