[b][u]Argentina Rhosphrus & Zephroth[/u][/b] While trying to pin point the persons emotion that she had felt someone walked up to her. So focused on the others she didn’t at first notice Sky’s presence and so was startled when he suddenly spoke. As a result she reflexively hissed and her eyes flickered red as she whipped her head round to look at him. As soon as she had hissed Sky would hear a purring sound and from out of the shadows Zephroth would appear. He would nuzzle her side and in turn clamed her more quickly her eyes flickered around the place it was obvious that she was finding it hard to concentrate around so many other people around and sensing everyone’s emotions even this far from most of them. She couldn’t think straight and could barley concentrate on holding her thirst back. It took a while but his words finally sunk in just as she fell to her knees her hands clawing at the soft earth. Her response was slow. [b]”To..Know that... You first...have to know what I am, and...i’m afraid.. that you’ll just fear me.”[/b] her voice was quiet but if he heard her he would notice that it also sounded strained. It was then that it hit her all over again, it was too much for her to handle and so she broke. She couldn’t help it she knew she shouldn’t have come here. Her eyes turned a striking blood red and she stood slowly and began to laugh creepily her claw like nails outstretched. Her voice was not loud but it didn’t need to be it was loud enough that everyone should still here her clearly. [b]”Ine meanie minie mo who should I have for dinner first.”[/b] she began to laugh hysterically before she spoke again but before she did she tilted her head to the left. [b]” looks like i’ll spare you for now,..”[/b] she would say as she pointed a slender finger at Alex. [b]”after all it is you who has awakened me to this splendid banquet.”[/b] Argentina would then launch herself at Sky her hands were aiming for his throat. If her hand connected with his throat she would grip it tightly before raising her free hand to strike him down but hesitating as her eyes flicker. If Sky could work out what was going on he would be able to tell she was fighting for control. [@PharaohAtem]- Alex[@The One]- Sky @everyone [b][u]Kyle Maxallion & Zerphina [/u][/b] Kyle watched the people in the large gathering, he looked around thinking that this would be a good time to begin interacting with someone when someone making a big deal of their royal blood came into the area. It stopped him in his tracks rather surprised and irritated and all at once he wanted to go punch that so called prince in the face however he chose not to, he knew that it wasn’t a good idea. That was until he smelled it. Upon smelling the deliciously copper scent that was blood all his bad ideas now seemed good. He launched himself over to prince Sekhemi and threw a fist at his face. If it connected it would send him flying. Even if it didn’t hit he would turn his attention to Alex and would only utter one simple phrase. [b]”Your blood is mine now..”[/b] he would state pointing at the one that was manipulating his own blood. @The One - Prince Sekhemi @PharaohAtem - Alex