Ceres sat on the roof looking at the stars, her white hair waving softly in the wind. She held onto a silver lilly her brother in law, Corinus made for her. She liked the guy like a brother, and he made her beloved elder sister Avelana very happy. ''Ceres!'' Her sister called while Climbing onto the roof. [color=f7976a]''Avelana, why are you Climbing the roof. What if you fall down!'' [/color]Ceres said while quickly going to her sisters side. Out of habbit she offerd her hand to help her sister up, but she quickly pulled her hand back. Ceres was way to afraid to burn her again. Avelana saw it happen and smiled. ''you won''t burn me again Ceres. and besides, you haven't touched anyone since your accident at the grave. Why won't you try touching me or anyone again?'' her sister said kind. Avelana was the type of girl anyone liked, she was kind, beautifull, had an amazing voice and most of all she was loved by everyone around her. [color=f7976a]''sister you know I won't, the only times I touch another is when I fight. Outside the ring is a place I cannot enter again. and you know why'' [/color]Ceres said sad sitting down again. Her sister sat besides her and offer her an envelope. [color=f7976a]''what is that?''[/color] Ceres asked while Avelana had a stupid grin on her face. ''this is an inventation'' [color=f7976a]''to what?''[/color]Ceres said while opening the envelope. As she read the letter her face twisted into a mixture of fear, disbelieve and anger. [color=f7976a]''Avelana, why did you singed me up for this?''[/color] she asked her sister calm. ''well, I want you to be happy again. This place might be able to break your curse or at least teach you how to control it'' Avelana paused and wrapped her arms around her belly. ''but most of all, what am I going to do when the aunt of this little life cannot even hold him or her. I need a babysitter from time to time'' It took a moment for Ceres to register that. [color=f7976a]''sister, are you....?''[/color] Ceres asked carefully. ''yes'' Avelana smiled. [color=f7976a]''then why in heavens name are you up here!''[/color] She said standing up. Ceres saw her sister looking at her and she knew Avelana ment the best for her. [color=f7976a]''alright, I will give this a try. For you and the little one''[/color] [i]the next day[/i] Ceres stood at the city gates of the place she called home for 20 years. Her parents where there and her sister and brother in law. She even saw some old chilhood friends she had cut ties with long ago, and a few of her squat mates from the fighting pits. Ceres had more than she knew. With a small smile on her face she left the gates and started het journy towards the academy. Silent and moving like a white wief she mixed herself in the crowd, shyly she waved her hand just barely besides her head and spoke her name. [color=f7976a]''Hey, I am Ceres''[/color]