Even if you don't like Corgis, you just HAVE to smile at that, right? I may or may not adore that breed...xD Anyhow, will be posting in a minute, but first wanted to ask a couple of things: -With the tests over, Justin and Cam will more than likely be selected to stay in their little town. After the two discuss, they stay(just recapping what we talked about a while ago). My question is how long should they stay? I know Justin would be looking for a way out ASAP, but it seems like Cam is more comfortable with the idea of staying longer. -I figure that when they enter the town, it'll be like "season two" of our story(I categorize arcs in threads as seasons...helps me keep everything straight xD). Part of this arc will obviously involve Justin and Cam in the city itself, but how would you like the story to progress from there? I thought of this...comments? Additions? Subtractions? Cam and Justin are there for a few months when the trio in charge announce that plans for expansion along the east coast are finally ready. Our esteemed duo are sent as a part of a scouting party towards Boston. On the way, they encounter a nearly starved family that raves about the "Tradesmen" who "sell the souls of the broken" to those "who can pay". Once in Boston, the party fends off an attack from the Tradesmen, who use high quality weaponry and explosives to decimate half the party. Justin, Cam and a few other survivors win out and find their way to an encampment run by the Tradesmen, who have, among other things, prisoners locked in cages. Once freed, they talk of their abduction from the West, how they were just beginning to "rebuild everything they had lost" when the Tradesmen found them. Awakened to the possibility that there's a whole new frontier to possibly explore, Justin and Cam free the prisoners only to be assaulted by the Tradesmen. They escape and head back up to Portland where they confront the trio, who confess that they had communications with budding settlements in California and Washington, but were not considered "advanced" enough to be considered for gene implantation. With the Tradesmen ticked off, they begin to march to Portland, intent on taking vengeance for their losses. Battle ensues between the settlement in Portland and the Tradesmen, forcing Justin and Cam to decide between defending their makeshift home or abandoning the cause entirely and heading West.