Adrian sat against the outside wall of the academy, legs crossed, head leaned back. He had also stayed for the summer, having no one to go to, there was no point to leave. Either way, the school would not risk him relapsing. Progress had been made with him, progress that was not easy. But his outbursts were farther between. Lifting his head, he glanced down at the belt around his waist. He took a deep breath, fiddling with the belt buckle. He left it alone however, he learned all too well that the belt also had a way of alerting the school. He could feel his anger increasing, and a deep shaky breath was drawn in. With shaking hands, he dug into his pocket, withdrawing a red box with black letters. Fumbling it open, he withdrew one of the thin cylinders. A cigarette, his choice of poison. Not that he cared. Placing it in his mouth, he focused on the end of the cylinder, lighting it. A while later, and several cigarettes later, he raised himself off of the ground, tucking the rectangular box back into the pocket of his jeans. He walked inside through the gates, knowing it was time for him to check in. Glancing around, he stepped inside, moving around the large group of people, going to the line for returning students. Filtering through, he found the longest spot was the counselor. He hated the counselor, too much time was spent talking, and he was done with it. His nose flared, a shutter running down his spine, closing his eyes tightly. At that, the counselor understood enough was enough, and sent him on his way. Picking up his schedule, he walked quickly up his stairs, to his dorm. His dorm, that had seen better times. Burn marks on the wall were signs of bent up frustration that he had expelled by blasting fire out of his hands. Thankfully, most damage was no severe. Tossing the paper on his bed, he once against left. For the oh so important social. Last social didn’t turn out the best, he had one of his outbursts at the end and his belt kicked in to prevent him from using his powers, but the table he was sitting at was still broken by the time he had finished. Needless to say, he had spent some time chilling out afterwards. At that point, he wasn’t considered stable enough to leave campus, and almost always someone had a close eye on him. He shook his head, that wasn’t to be thought of now. Walking into the room, he studying the people present, narrowing his eyes slightly, recognizing some old faces, pondering about the new. But alas, he knew it was best to leave them be. Walking over to the food table, he gathered himself a plate before finding an empty table against the wall. He didn’t want to risk an outburst, and he would rather not be surprised by anyone, or for that matter anything.