[@Flamelord] Grinning, Dromari stepped forward, seeming unfazed. It appeared the Xenos had sent their leader. How pleasant. He'd been stuck on the back lines long enough, forced to suffer the arrogant attitudes of these filthy creatures in silence. But despite his personal grudges, he did recognise that this was a diplomatically charged situation, and rash action could have unfortunate and long-lasting consequences. Warfare with the Goa'Uld would form a rather troublesome distraction from the Tyranid threat. Besides, there was no doubt the commander had his own little reinforcements in wait. There was no way in shit he'd simply placed himself out here for all to see, trusting in the 'good intentions' of the Imperium to save his sorry little ass. "Excellently worded, xeno. Excuse me if I'm not as fancy a speaker. I'm a simple man, you see, and I see things in a simple matters. So if, say, a stealth craft moves out of Imperial Space " he didn't even hesitate as he blatantly claimed Arcadia to already belong to the Imperium "carrying all the necessities to build em a little colony, then it seems to me like something's amiss. See, honest folk don't carry some of the fanciest stealth gear in the universe. That's the kind of stuff you find on someone who knows they're breaking the rules, no?" For a moment, Dromari waited, deciding how to proceed. Obviously, he'd be able to rip through whatever forces Baal had assembled here, although their commander might simply port away. There was tech to block Warp-based travel, but nothing had as of yet been designed to counter the Goa'Uld technology. Damn slow-ass techpriests. But sparking a war was perhaps not the best course of action, and he had not received orders to initiate such a conflict. "So, you've set up your little camp here, but we both know that there are more pressing matters at hand. Looks to me you wanna run off Arcadia now the ground's got warm beneath your feet. So let's make a deal here, and avoid any unnecessary hassle, yeah? You leave your ground on Arcadia behind for folks who can get some use out of it, and wait over here while we fight off the scary aliens." If there was one thing that was well known about the Goa'Uld, it was their sense of pride. It was one of the reasons Dromari loved em. All of the sense of self-importance of the Eldar, none of the cunning to back it up. "Course, alternatively, we could send you back to Arcadia, deal with the Tyranid, and then discuss this shit later like civilized folks. Or we could fight it out here, start a little war, and get eaten together. But I'd hope that even a parasite like you would see the pointlessness in getting killed for no reason." If necessary, Company Master Dromari would gladly begin a war here. But such things were better avoided, at least until the greater threat was dealt with.