People liked to call what Jason did judging, but to him it was never like that. He never made any kind of personal judgment when he was observing or trying to read someone. It was purely objective. He was always chastised by his past therapists "never judge a book by its cover" but more than often, he found he was right. [i]Alright, time to quit being a creep and actually socialize.[/i] "Did you want something?" The words cut through his daydream like state like a razor. Caught off guard he instinctively began to "hyper react" as he called it" As he turned to face her, time had already slowed for him. He quickly realized it was the girl he was observing earlier. [i]Huh that's odd, How did did she notice me watching her?[/i] Her hair had been draped over her face like a curtain. [i]Calm down, just talk to her.[/i] "S-sorry I didn't mean to bother you." He stuttered still a little taken aback by the fact that she noticed him. [@caits]