Adrian watched the interaction of people around him, picking up on two interactions relatively close by. One consisted of a girl with a pile of food, currently being bothered by two boys. From the looks of it, she was frustrated by the presence of the two who simply wanted to be alone with her food. One, had a keen focus, studying, trying to figure something out. The other, was more juvenile, using his abilities to create a flower. He quickly felt a bitterness growing inside of him. All fire did was destroy. Why couldn't he have gained a creative power. Why couldn't he have given his family flowers instead of destroyed them! A shudder went through him, feeling a drastic change in temperature. He gasped briefly, before panic filled him. His hands shook, eyes closing tightly. He struggled to return his breathing to normal. He placed his hands flat on the table, before cursing as he felt the table heating under his hand. He snapped open his eyes, lifting his hands, grimacing at the burn marks on the table. He stood, grimacing. Such a small thing, so capable of setting him off. He quickly, and stiffly walked towards the doors, shoving by anyone who stepped into his way. Once standing outside the doors, he took another shaky breath. Closing his eyes he leaned against the wall, leaning his head against it. His breathing was almost under control. The cold caused another shudder, his nostrils flaring briefly as he took a breath in. He knew he couldn't leave, due to attendance being mandatory, but he could at least step out of the gym to calm himself. He was sure they would understand.