Co-post between The One and Pharaoh. [b]Sekhemi[/b] Sekhemi watched as some crazy psycho killed all his slaves, which honestly, he didn't care about in the slightest. They were nothing but slaves, worthless to him, scum on the floor. They meant nothing to him whatsoever. However, when the crazy psycho came and began to threaten him, he couldn't help but clench his fist. He stepped back for a second then created a flaming barrier around him to protect himself, before he spoke angrily. "You insolent, stuck up snot nosed, giant, scum bag, fuck face, dick headed asshole! I'm going to put a hole through your fucking head! You stupid ignorant son of a bitch dumb bastard! Jesus Christ I met some dumb bastards in my time but you are the most idiotic! In fact, to call you stupid would be an insult to stupid people! You don't come up to me and threaten my life, do you have a death wish? You MUST have a death wish! Let me make one thing clear, you are nothing! If you were in my toilet bowl I wouldn't even bother flushing it. My bathmat means more to me than pieces of shit like you! You pathetic good for nothing worm, you fucking slimy dirty rotten stinking flea bitten spider! I'll crush you like the lowlife fucking insect you are!" He breathed heavily but he still wasn't done. He was going to murder her. He created two fire balls in his hands before firing them in quick succession, he continued to do this, firing multiple fire balls at her constantly, and if they hit her, they would explode and most likely kill her instantly. [b]Rika[/b] Rika's eye twitched as even more people paraded in with a song and dance acting all high and mighty. He hated, no despised people liked that. He stepped back slowly as he began to breathe heavily. There were so many students here, there was so much hatred. His right eye glowed brightly, and his demon teeth began to come through once more. He spoke in a low demonic tone to everyone. [color=ed1c24]Stay away from me! Stay away......stay away![/color] He continued to breath heavily as he looked down to the floor but he couldn't stop. He about to warn everyone to stay away. He needed to warn them for this was a transformation that was impossible to stop. As he sung his demon teeth and the red eye underneath the bandage was clear as day. Then he heard the demonic voice speak in his head, talking to him and only him. So only Rika could hear it. [color=ed1c24]"Come on, release me! Let me rip this garbage to shreds. RELEASE ME![/color] Rika shook his head screaming out loudly. He held on to his head as his bandage was starting to unravel. All the crowd, all the hate and anger. They were fuelling it, making it stronger. "SHUT UP SHUT UP SHUT UP!" Rika shouted, it was already happening. He could no longer suppress the demon within him. His body began to crack and break, the sounds of bones cracking echoed loudly throughout the field. He screamed loudly in a demonic voice. Soon enough he had transformed completely to his demon self. Everyone would feel the intense feeling of hatred and the intent to kill. [IMG][/IMG] [b]Shade[/b] Shade stepped back as Sekhemi paraded through, there were a lot of people, but for him that was no problem. He didn't mind crowds, however, what he did mind was hatred, fear, pain, and anything negative. With Sekhemi's anger towards the girl, and Rika's intense intent to kill, it became all too much for Shade. Now, his transformation was very different from Rika's. His transformation was much more....deadly. He ground began to shake violently as Shade breathed heavily. His eyes became slits as darkness began to form around him. Shade lowered his head slowly, his ears folded back then Shade shot his head up and let out a loud demonic scream up towards the sky. As he did, a huge dark energy blast shot out of his mouth. It flew straight towards the sky and once it was high in the sky, it exploded, releasing dark energy across the entire area.. At that moment, day turned into night, everything went dark, there was not a single shred of light left. Then, Shade closed his eyes, and after about a minute, his eyes reopened to reveal both eyes were completely black. He screamed again, and as he did, the darkness began to spread, quickly covering every tree, every plant and everything that it could in the area. Now, Shade's intent to kill and destroy was far more superior than Rika's, after all, he was just a heartless monster created for the sole purpose to destroy and kill everything in sight. [b]Kuro[/b] Kuro watched as a parade came through quickly, and them some crazy person killed all of the slaves and threatened the Prince. Kuro was about to step up and do something, but before he could, things went out of control. The Prince began to attack her both verbally and then physically with fire attacks. Then, a shiver ran down Kuro's spine, as he felt an intense feeling of dread, and the intent to kill. His eyes were directed towards Rika, who was in the midst of transforming, sadly, before he could do anything, he had already transformed. Then, to make it worse, he felt a far worse feeling than he did before, a feeling of pure hatred just like Rika, but one whose intent to kill and destroy was far superior. The earth shook violently, and he fell over, then the sky turned black. His eyes were directed towards Shade, and his eyes went wide. "Yoruichi, it can't be right, they're only myths and legends, they're not real, right?" Yoruichi stepped back in fear, she knew too well what this monster was. A being created to kill and destroy everything, but she knew too well that they were real. After all, many creatures of myths and legends were real, but this one, this monster was one of the worse. "Yes Kuro, it is a heartless. You know what you have to do, right?" Kuro stood up slowly and stepped forward. There were two main threats here, but the biggest was by far the heartless. He gave a silent nod towards Yoruichi, before summoning a huge book that must of been 100,000 pages long at the very least. Yoruichi stood by his side at the ready. [b]Wolf[/b] Nodded at Eirwen's name, but before he could respond, shit began to go down. First with this Prince Ali guy, then with a demon transformation, and then with a heartless. The almost fell on his ass when the ground shook but he was able to keep himself standing just about. He turned his attention towards Shade, and as he did, he overheard Kuro and Yoruichi talking before walking up to them. "Whatever a heartless is, it looks dangerous, but what is it doing here? Was it meant to be a student or something? Either way, we have to do something. You two seem to know what this thing is, and how to deal with it, I'll take care of the demon." He turned his attention towards Rika and slowly stepped towards him. [b]Red[/b] Red was still playing on her trampoline when everything went down. All of a sudden, she felt a feeling of dread, and a strong intent to kill. Red no longer felt like playing, in fact, she had become very serious. She looked around at Rika and then Shade and slowly got off her trampoline. Her eyes widened, and Red slowly stood back. She didn't know what to do, she was scared, she knew she couldn't take on monsters like this, they were powerful, she could tell that by just looking at them. Her heart began to beat fast and she froze completely, staring at the two monsters. [b]Sky[/b] Sky watched as everything began going on, his eyes quickly widened and he slowly began to fly off the air. Things were getting bad quickly, and he had to do something, but he worried for what would happen if he too lost control, however if he didn't do something things could get much worse. Although, it seemed a lot of people were joining in to stop this Chaos, but where were the teachers? Surely they noticed this chaos? Then, out of nowhere, Argentina attacked him. His eyes widened, and he flew back, dodging the attack. "I'm very sorry, but I need to go!" He quickly flew up towards island, he needed to find a teacher, he needed to find some help. Things were going out of control! Once at the island, he looked around, he would have to search everywhere. [b]Pozuzy[/b] Pozuzy quickly turned around when he heard somebody behind him. He stared at the girl, but before he could say anything, things started going wrong, very quickly. Pozuzy felt an strong intent to kill, and a strong feeling of dread. He looked at Rika and then to Shade before he looked to Sabrina. "I....don't think this is the time to play tricks." He looked at Shade and Rika once more, not sure what to do now. Even he knew when it was time to be serious, and this was one of those times. [b]Foxy and Wolf[/b] Foxy gave a small awkward smile at his as the thing smiled back, and then spoke his name. Although, before she could respond, things started to go crazy. She looked around before looking back to Fuchs with a worried expression. "Sorry, but I think we will have to have this conversation later, right now, I need to go help deal with whatever's happening here." Immediately, she noticed that the heartless had three people working to stop it, including the cat which she assumed had powers of it's own, otherwise it wouldn't be so confident. However, with the demon, there was only one Wolf, plus, it was a demon, and she an angel. She flew over to Wolf and stood next to him while she stared at Rika. "Let's work together to take this thing down." Wolf gave a simple nod, getting ready to attack this demon with whatever this thing was? Some sort of Fox or something? Either way, it didn't matter right now. [b]Miarikia and Kuro[/b] Miarikia gave a simple nod, she was curious as to how he had heard of her, but she had to agree with him that the two should make good friends. However, before she could reply, a sudden feeling of dread came over her, and there was this strong intent to kill. Her eyes widened, and she could sense it, even from here! There was a dark energy source. Miarikia looked up towards the roof, and the once blue sky had turned completely black. "What's going on? This is not normal, can you sense it too? There is something big going on down below." She ran quickly, and without hesitation, Flash ran and knocked Miarikia off her feet, making her land on his back. He zoomed quickly, faster than Lightning and jumped off the island, as he did, he called out loudly enough so the others could hear. "See ya at the bottom!" As they began to fall, Miarikia created a barrier around Flash's feet, so he wouldn't hurt himself on the fall. When they hit the bottom, Miarikia could see just how bad the situation was. She slowly got off Flash and her eyes widened. "Flash, just what happened here?" Flash looked around, seeing Rika and Shade, before looking back to Miarikia. "I don't know, but I don't like Miarikia, I really don't like it." Miarikia gave a simple nod. She looked around, before looking to Flash with a serious expression. "Flash, you help stop the demon, I'm going to stop the heartless." Flash nodded and with that zoomed off towards Wolf and Foxy. Miarikia walked up to Kuro, Sky and Yoruichi. She looked at all three before looking to Shade. "Whatever this thing is, it's powerful. I can sense it from the island." Kuro looked to her, his eyes widening, before looking back to the heartless. "You can't help, not unless you have some kind of light magic. Light is the only thing that can stop a heartless, but even then it doesn't always work. Some heartless can adapt, and become immune to light. This is one of them, we just have to hope it doesn't know how. However, if it does, then we have to try as much powerful magic as possible until it weakens." Miarikia nodded, that meant she couldn't go in her demon forms. She had to fight as she was. It was lucky she knew some sort of light magic otherwise she would have to go fight the demon. [b]Shela[/b] Shela gave a small smile to Rose as she saved her, but then she stood back slowly, she became scared, she didn't know what to do. She froze, everything was going wrong, why did everyone had to fight? The ground shook and she fell to the floor, she stayed there, not bothering to get up. Drake sighed, rolling his eyes. "Pathetic, get up and run away you idiot!" She stayed there, as if she didn't hear anything, she just watched, her eyes widened, her heart beating faster and faster. [b]Alex[/b] Suddenly Sekhemi attacked Alex with a barrage of exploding fireballs, she could easily block it but instead she decided to make a point. Suddenly the blood blades disappeared, with the blood returning to her body and she held out her arms to the side of her as she looked to the sky allowing the fire balls come at her. As they exploded she was sent flying back, her body was being blown to bits, her arms and legs flew off her torso in multiple directions, half her face was melted and there were multiple holes in her chest for all intensive purpose, she was dead. While Alex lay dead on the floor the grass and dirt around her began to be absorbed into her body. She was converting into new cells speeding up her regenerative powers while this was going on Kyle lunched an attack on Sekhemi, suddenly a wall made of blood would raise up and block the attack by the time this happened Alex was already back on her feet as she heard the voices of the vampires. ”Your blood is mine now..” As she heard this the vampire jumped at her. Alex looked to the vampire. "If its blood you want then you can eat your fill. Just stay out of this fight, this piece of shit is mine to kill." As she said this blood flew out of her body and right into his mouths pouring about a galleon of blood down his throat. Alex even used her power to purify the blood this would improve the flavor as well as temporarily enhance the strength of the vampire. Alex then looked back to Sekhemi. "If you want to kill me you will have to do better then that although I'll give you some credit, it did sting a little." After she said this, four dragon heads made out of blood grew out of her back once more but she didn't stop there. Her hair began to grow longer and longer until it reached the bottom of her back while this was happening bone formed around her arms and legs creating spiked gauntlets and leggings. Some of her hair then warped around the gauntlets and leggings in between the spikes. She then altered her body's muscles, enhancing her physical abilities. After that she grew wings made of blood. She then altered her blood once again this time she made it so acidic it could melt though bone. "You chose your fate now make your peace with what ever god you believe in." Alex and the four heads began to sing with a sadistic smile on her face. As she sang she flew at Sekhemi, the four heads came at him from both sides. Two went low after his legs while the other two went for his throat. If they hit they would bite him and begin to tear the flesh of his body as well as inject some of her blood into him. Alex's hair then latched on to a tree as she quickly pulled herself to the right side of Sekhemi. Alex then went to punch him in the face with all her might. If this punch connected it would shatter his skull at the very least as well as shred his face thanks to the spikes as well as send him flying. Kai, Rose and Sabrina Kai, Rose and Sabrina could see the situation was getting out of hand. Both Kai and Sabrina knew it was time to get serious. Sabrina looked to Pozuzy. "We should help out as well even if we cant fight the heartless we could still help defeat that demon." After she said that the mouth of the doll on her back opened wide and four creepy rabbit dolls climbed out of its mouth. The doll on her back then climbed down and the five dolls began to grow as Sabrina infused some of her magic into the dolls. The five dolls sunk into the shadows and reappeared out of Rika's shadow then they lunched at him with their claws attempting to slash him with claws shape enough to cut steal. While Sabrina attacked Rika, Kai began to purify and absorb energy in the air returning the sun light. He then flew over to Kuro and Miarikia. He placed his hands on their shoulders. "I'll lend you as much energy as you need so lets stop that thing." Thanks to his power, he is able to absorb and manipulate all forms of energy including solar energy as long as the sun was out he had infinite energy for them to use while Kai channelled his energy into Kuro and Miarikia. He sent his six drones off to attack Shade. They began to fly around him while firing light energy blasts at him from all directions. Rose could tell Shela was afraid and who could blame her, she had never felt such evil before. It even sent shivers down her spine but now was not the time for fear, it was the time for action. Rose created a leaf dome around her and Shela and while Shela was unable to see, Rose created a leaf clone of herself. She altered the colours to make it look identical to her she then left the dome and the clone pulled out a torch to light up the dome. The clone looked at Shela "Don,t worry I'll protect you." The real Rose then buried the dome underground and used the leafs to create oxygen for Shela to breath meanwhile Rose began to purify the corruption in the surrounding plant life. She then looked around and saw Red who looked like she was frozen with fear. She ran over to her and knelt down beside her. Rose could tell her snake was made of paper. "Don't let your fear consume you. It will only lead to inaction and that will only put you in further danger, just remember bravery is not the absence of fear, it is taking action in spite of fear." [b]Sekhemi[/b] Sekhemi was about to walk away when suddenly Alex got up once more, he turned back to her, ignoring the Vampire for now. It seemed she stopped the Vampire from attacking him, but he didn't care. What he was concerned about was the fact that she was back alive. How was this possible? He clenched his fist, becoming angry and confused. As she came for him, he jumped back quickly, avoiding the dragon heads, then the next thing he knew, she came at him with amazing speed and punched him right in the face, he was immediately sent flying and smacked right into a tree. His skull was broken, and he was dead. [b]Shade, Kuro and Miarikia[/b] Shade screamed loudly as the night came back to day, he closed his eyes, after after a moment, he reopened them revealing two pupils. He looked at the drones which began to shoot lasers at him, his body began to melt from the light energy. He screamed loudly and the darkness began to warp around him. His body began to grow and twist, the white skull cracked and fell to the floor, and as it did, darkness shot out in a massive explosion then immediately was absorbed by Shade. In a single minute, a dragon stood in Shade's place. [IMG][/IMG] Now a dragon, being incredibly large and powerful, 20ft large that is, he roared loudly, so loud, that a huge black hole appeared. Then he looked to Kuro before flying up high in the sky. He roared once more, making the earth shake, before shooting a huge dark energy bomb towards the Earth aiming for a large open space. Kuro stood back slowly in fear, seeing the bomb headed straight for Earth. He turned towards Yoruichi and spoke quickly. "Yoruichi, hold off the energy bomb, I'm going to need some time." Yoruichi nodded and got right where the dark energy bomb was headed. She closed her eyes, and a purple aura surrounded the bomb, with that, it slowed down significantly. Kuro flipped to page 866 and then closed his eyes as he began to chant. "When day turns to night, and night turns to day, chaos shall fade. Let Angels cry, and demons die. Hear my words, and give me the power to vanquish the night!" Suddenly, he opened his eyes and shot a huge light blast in the center of dark energy bomb. It grew in size while it turned pure white, with Kuro's power, he was able to push it back straight into Shade. The dragon roared and the light bomb exploded sending out a huge shockwave of light blinding everyone. When the light faded, there was nothing there, Shade was gone. Kuro let out a soft sigh, it seemed they had dealt with one problem, now to deal with the next. However, just as Kuro turned, a dark pool formed behind it, it shot up and stabbed him through the back, going right through and coming out of his chest. Yoruichi eyes widened as she slowly stepped forward, she watched as blood dripped from his chest, and eventually, watched as Kuro fell to the floor. She screamed loudly, running up to him and Shade. "Kuro! Kuro! You monster!!" Shade, who was back in his normal form, looked towards Yoruichi whose eyes had turned purple but before she could do anything, Miarikia came running to her. She bent down and placed her hand on her head. "Stop, there's nothing we can do. This heartless is different, it's much stronger. Don't get yourself killed." As she said that, Miarikia looked towards the black hole and held her hand towards it, then shouted out loudly. "Azarath metrion zinthos!" Suddenly, the black hole shrank until it disappeared completely. She then turned back to Shade, while Yoruichi slumped back, and sat down, not saying a word. [b]Rika, Wolf, Foxy, Miarikia and Flash[/b] Wolf and Foxy watched as the fight was getting worse, but before they could do anything, Rika shot bone spikes at them, Foxy immediately shot a water tentical at the bone spike and threw it back at him which exploded in his face but that did nothing. Wolf transformed into his battle form and grabbed his sword, however just as he was about to attack Miarikia teleported in front of them. She held out her hand and stared at him seriously. "I've dealt with many demons before, I should of taken this guy out first." Just then her hand glowed white and she shouted out loud towards Rika. "Suppress!" With that, Rika began to scream out loudly, his hands placed on his head and suddenly his body began to change. The demon continued to scream and as it did, Rika's voice could be heard among the demonic voices. [color=9e0b0f]It hurts! It hurts! Stop, it hurts![/color] After a few minutes, Rika laid on the floor unconscious. Miarikia sighed softly, before turning her attention to Shade. Foxy looked over to Kuro before looking to the cat. "I shall ask the angels to restore him to life after this is done. Don't worry, but for now, we must destroy this monster." She looked back to Shade and stepped closer, she knew she wouldn't be able to do much, but she could at least help a little. Wolf held his sword in hand and stepped forward along with Foxy. Flash stood beside Miarikia, waiting on her signal. [b]Red[/b] Red looked to Rose and heard her speak, she gave a simple nod, but she was still afraid, people were actually dying! She slowly stepped back and then turned to Rose with a worried expression. "I want to help, but I don't know how I could help. I can only control paper, and I can barely even use that!" She rose her hand and the snake came to her, what good was paper against demons? She then looked to Rika, and aimed her hand towards him. The paper quickly rushed over to him and picked him up then brought him to her, she looked to Rose, wondering what to do with him. [b]Pozuzy[/b] Pozuzy looked to Sabrina, and nodded to her, but it seemed the demon was already been dealt with, which meant Shade was left, he looked towards him and gently shook his head, there was nothing he could do about him. "No, the demon is gone, and we can't fight against that monster." He looked to Sabrina, wondering if she had an idea, before looking back to the monster. [b]Shela[/b] Shela nodded to Rose, and then when she was placed in the dome, and underground She was scared, very scared. She didn't know what to do, there was nothing she could do, she was useless again, just in the way as always. She closed her eyes, before sitting down, not saying anything. Drake sat beside her, sighing softly. "Useless again Shela, useless again. Always in the way, pathetic, I would help, but somebody has to stay with you, and hey, you don't trust anyone, you're scared no matter who's with you, so, it has to be me. You're such a burden. Why don't you grow up and actually be useful for once in your life?" Shela stayed silent, not saying a word. [b]Alex[/b] Alex let out a little sigh, she was disappointed that after all that big talk, and even after he almost reminded her what pain felt like, Sekhemi dropped like a bitch. After killing Sekhemi Alex looked around, it appeared the demon had already been dealt with by somebody, now all that was left was that rampaging shadow. Alex walked over to Sekhemi's body and placed a hand over his chest. His skull began to reconstruct itself as the brain regenerated and repaired any damage. Sekhemi opened his eyes and looked to Alex. "What would you have me do Master?" Sekhemi had been turned into Alex's undead slave. She looked to Sekhemi and then to Shade. "Go and attack that thing but don't use your darkness manipulation to attack him, only use it to dodge and defend. Focus on using your fire to deal damage." Alex then stood up and flew at Shade, the blood dragons began firing a constant barrage of acidic blood spikes at Shade. As she got closer, she landed next to Kuro and placed her hand on his chest. Suddenly the hole in his chest began to close, his internal injuries healed and his heart started to beat again. He opened his eyes "You don't get to die yet. We still need to stop whatever that thing is." Alex then looked back at Shade and flew at him once again. The dragon heads were still firing acidic spikes as she got closer her hair began to group together creating what looked like six tentacles. The tentacles launched at Shade coming at him from multiple directions, if they hit they would pierce right him although she didn't know what damage that would do to a shadow not that it mattered. As she got closer her rib cage came out of her chest and shot towards him, if they made contact they would explode and if he tried to dodge they would explode once they got as close as they could. Hopefully this would do some damage, but the flash should at least blind him for a second. At this point she was almost in striking distance, she held out her left hand and the hair on the gauntlet shot out and tried to tie him up while her right hand began to dissolve, she pointed her right arm at him at point blank range, she began to shot out gallons of highly acidic blood hoping to cover him and melt him. [b]Kai[/b] Kai was shocked when he saw the Psycho revive Kuro, and a little confused when she said he wasn't allowed to die, he watched as she launched an attack on Shade not convinced it would do anything, he used it as a distraction and created a diamond sphere around him while his drones were around the outside shooting light energy into the sphere. The energy would be amplified as it hit the sphere and bounced off the walls, hitting the dome over and over again. The energy was amplified each time, eventually the dome would be filled up with light energy. Vaporising anything inside. Kai figured since she was able to come back from the dead once, this shouldn't be a problem for Alex. [b]Rose[/b] Rose's clone listened to Drake in disgust, suddenly a thorn would come out from the leaves underneath Drake and shoot up, stabbing him in the chest which would inject a strong sedative into his chest, knocking him out then disappear leaving no trace making sure Shela didn't see anything. The real Rose listened to Red and looked to Rika, she checked his pulse then suddenly a sphere of leaves formed around him and placed him underground. She looked to Red's snake and then to the Cockatrice, then back to Red. She thought for a second. "By that I presume you have not fully mastered your powers but that will come in time for the moment your Cockatrice can join the battle. It's stone gaze might effect that thing. As for you young lady you could lend support from a distance. Your paper minions can offer cover fire to those in the front lines, it dose not matter if they can hurt that thing. Creating a diversion can be just as useful and you could extract the wounded like you did with that young boy. All of that would be of great assistance to this battle, as for me I shall go join the fight" Rose then stood up and ran to Kuro and everyone else. Rose looked to Kuro as he seemed to know the most about what this thing was. "My sword is yours, do with it as you will." [b]Sabrina[/b] Sabrina watched as Rika was defeated and called off her dolls before they killed the boy. The dolls returned to Sabrina as she looked to Pozuzy. "No, there isn't much we could do against that thing at least not separately but if I channelled you I could strengthen my dolls giving them your powers. The five of them could at least help stop that thing." [b]Kuro, Sekhemi, Miarikia, Wolf, Foxy, Pozuzy, Red[/b] Kuro's eyes shot open quickly, he slowly stood up and looked around, before placing his hand on his chest. He then looked to Alex but she zoomed off immediately. He watched as Sekhemi followed, but before he could attack Kai had trapped Alex and Shade in a crystal dome. He had seen Alex come back alive before, so he wasn't too worried when Kai began to shoot lasers through the dome. He turned to Yoruichi with a smile and walked up to her, he placed a hand on her head and spoke softly. "Don't worry, I'm back. Now, let's kill this thing." She nodded and the two walked back to Kai. Wolf, Foxy, Flash and Miarikia all came to stand with Kai and Kuro. They all watched as Kai shot light beams through the dome, hoping it would destroy Shade. Kuro looked to Rose and spoke to her with kind words. "Rose, you won't be able to do much, not with him trapped, and even then, you need some sort of light magic to hurt him. So I am unsure what you can do." He looked back to the crystal dome, meanwhile, Pozuzy looked over to Sabrina and gave her a simple nod of his head. "Yes, we could try that." He gave her a smile, he was willing to help if he could. After all, this demon was dangerous, and it was ruining all the fun. Red turned to Rose, listening to her, but before she said anything Serpent slid up and spoke up first. "Hey, my name is Serpent, not Cockatrice!" Red turned to him before she looked towards Rose with a small smile. "I haven't fully mastered my power, no. I find it hard to harden it, I can only make part of it solid, like my snake so I can ride on it but I will try my best to help." She nodded to Serpent who nodded back to her. He then slithered towards Kai and the others. Shade screamed when he became trapped, and the lasers began to pierce him, then Alex's Tentacles pierced him even more, the rib cage blew up in his face, then he was tied up, and gallons of acidic blood covered him. He screamed loudly, then it stopped, silence. Shade stared at Alex, before a small snicker came from him. It melted and fell to the floor, then the darkness burned through the crystal, and soon enough, he fell through the crystal dome. He then reconstructed and screamed again.