[@thewizardguy] [@Tyki] "....You really don't give a fuck, do you?" Martin asks Xel-rath, turning to him. "He just said......Ya know what? Never mind. Sure. I'm in, under one condition. You get me a power core able to allow my station to enter orbit. I'm not wanting to be on the ground if you have a large scale threat like that on planet." Martin says, turning back towards his new space marine boss. He hated the idea for working for them, but a threat like the nids sounded awfully like a blob, which deep down, terrified Martin. "As for you, my..glowy friend, try to keep that sorta shit to yourself when it comes to saying I can't help but do the thing you'd shoot me for. That's..really...fucking...dumb." Martin points out to Xel-rath. He felt like this energy being was simply either very confident, or very, very, powerful for it to not have died yet with how it was acting. Both were worrying, one would make it a lot easier to deal with, upon further study. "As for you wanting all their Data, isn't gonna happen. If you try to fight them, it'll end badly...my advice...go hit their enemies for information that they, and you, would want to have....Savy?" MArtin asks Xel-rath, introducing a counter offer. He was hoping to avoid a direct conflict, with maybe a sweeter offer. He didn't want to get blown ze fuck up. He also wanted to quickly get some brownie points with his new boss, Remuss.