[center][b]name:[/b] Pandora [b]race: [/b]Elf [b]age:[/b]21 [b]sex:[/b]Female [u]Appearance:[/u] [img]https://scontent.fsnc1-1.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t34.0-12/14442696_1265472206837967_1217626641_n.png?oh=1470de2e5bcf8b55197741c7e7e6c175&oe=57E56AAC[/img] [b]class:[/b] Apostate Mage [b]Skills:[/b] shapeshifting, plus the basic skills, ie: Inferno, spirit, storm and winter. [b]personality:[/b] quiet and soft spoken most of the time. She puts on a "serious, professional" act when dealing with 'quest' Clients. around friends she opens herself up a bit more, sometimes even teasing certain people. [b]History:[/b][i] Born As Dalish, Pandora spent most of her childhood with her clan, in the mountains where it snowed constantly. Under the strict guidance of her father, the keeper of their clan. When Pandora was 16, misfortune fell upon her clan, and a band of rogues attacked their camp, killing her father and many others, and taking others to auction off as slaves, including her. Pandora was sold to a noble in Val Royeaux where she spent two, long years in slavery. until one night the master was killed by a crow assassin. She took the chance, and ran far away. Pandora took to traveling, doing small quests and taking positions at many different taverns as a Bard. all the while doing her best to hide her status as an apostate mage, and being extra careful to keep away from Templars. It wasn't until the sudden increase in dragon appearances did she start taking more complicated quests, and more frequently. she worked her way up until people were requesting that she hunt dragons, thus began the really, hard work. working as a bard now more of a side job, or hobby, to kill time[/i]...[/center]