[center][IMG]http://i1059.photobucket.com/albums/t422/Harvent/joiner_zpsfdcbf83d.jpg[/IMG] [u][b]Name[/b][/u] Dawn-Herald-of-the-Hatakari-Nest [b][u]Age[/u][/b] 57 [b][u]Race[/u][/b] Sephi Natives of the planet Thustra - Purple/Pink skinned - Elf-like humanoids - 200 year average lifespan [u][b]Profession[/b][/u] Trooper (formerly) Killik Joiner Explorer [u][b]Equipment[/b][/u] Mercenary Armor Jetpack [url=http://img3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20070422053204/starwars/images/8/8b/Star_Wars_RPG_Heavy_Blaster_Pistol.JPG]Blaster Pistol[/url] [url=http://img3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20091012231452/starwars/images/5/5a/Sugi_vibrodagger.jpg]Vibro-Dagger[/url] Comlink [b][u]Personality[/u][/b] Dawn has very little of her own personality left after being joined to the Killik Hive Mind for so long. Regardless she does retain some of her individuality, a necessity in her role for the Hive. Despite her slight individuality, she still refers to herself as "we" and, like all Killiks and Joiners, she considers all forms of communication to be "songs". [b][u]Backstory[/u][/b] Dawn was once a Diplomatic Guard for the Sephi Ambassador to the Galactic Republic. In her role as Diplomatic Guard, she accompanied the Sephi Ambassador to planets all over Republic space. All that changed when the Sephi Ambassador went to Alderaan on a mission for the Thustrian Monarchy. While traveling from one Noble Estate to another, the entire party stumbled upon a battle between two warring hives of Killiks. The Alderaanian Guides attempted to warn the party of the danger but before they could retreat they found themselves caught in the middle of the battle. In the chaos, Dawn was separated from the party and stumbled, wounded and lost, into the wilderness where she was found by a group from one of the Killik Hives. Dawn was on the edge of death when the Killiks brought her back to their nest. In her semi-conscious state they treated her wounds and fed her a strange substance which sated her hunger and restored her strength. However the "food" she was fed and the pheromones secreted by the Killiks themselves began to cause a change in New-Child's brain chemistry and, by the time she was fully healed, she no longer had any interest in leaving the nest. She was absorbed into the Killik Hivemind, forgot her old name and was renamed "New-Child-of-the-Hatakari-Nest", the newest Joiner of the Killiks. For several years, she served the Hive as a Nest-Guardian, protecting and caring for the Killik Larvae. However as time passed, and the Hive absorbed more minds through joining, the Hive began to evolve. They began to take interest in the events beyond the nest, beyond even Alderaan. To satiate their growing curiosity about the wider universe, the Hive knew they would need agents to explore, to learn, and then to return to the nest to share their experiences with the Hivemind. New-child, renamed "Dawn-Herald", was among some of the few Joiners who were chosen to brave the Silence for the good of the Hive.[/center]