[center][IMG]http://i1059.photobucket.com/albums/t422/Harvent/harpyjuicebox_zps9000eb45.jpg[/IMG] [u][b]Name[/b][/u] Hapi [b][u]Age[/u][/b] 18 [b][u]Background[/u][/b] Hapi first came to the country as a young teen and spent her time roaming from halfway house to halfway house. She found it hard to find places that would accept her, but at least she didn't have a criminal record. And yet wherever she stayed, people would find things going missing. Little things. Random things. Everything from expensive jewelry to cheap metal cutlery. When Hapi inevitably moved on the thefts would stop. Finally a particularly valuable diamond ring went missing, prompting a huge search and, when the authorities turned over Hapi's room they found a veritable trove of pilfered items. The young Harpy was promptly arrested and taken before the courts where she was charged by a Judge with an anti-myth agenda. That she'd had to audacity to steal from good, proper humans warranted, in his opinion, a harsh punishment. What should've been, at most, community service became prison time and when she finally got out, she found only closed doors, that is until she reached The Oasis. [u][b]Personality[/b][/u] Hapi isn't exactly the sharpest tool in the shed, in fact it wouldn't be too unkind to say that she's a bit feather brained. However she is, at heart a nice person, if quite a bit clumsy and naive. She is also obsessed with shiny things and has a habit of stealing anything that catches her eye. She doesn't do this for monetary gain but simply to add to her collection of shiny prizes. She also has a habit of speaking in the third person. [u][b]What type of mythical creature are you?[/b][/u] "Hapi is a Harpy, of course. Hehehe...he? What was Hapi saying?" [b][u]What Crime did you commit?[/u][/b] "Hapi didn't do anything! She was just adding to her collection and the mean people came and stole all her shinies and put her in a cage." [b][u]How long where you in prison?[/u][/b] "Hapi was kept in that cage for a whole year!" [b][u]How long have you lived at The Oasis?[/u][/b] "Hapi has been at this nest for four months and she hasn't taken any shinies. Promise. Well....maybe a few little shinies..."[/center]