Holy Hell in a Handbasket I can't tell you how ecstatic I am to see this rp still going-no idea if August is still alive or what the hell is going on plotwise but just the fact that you guys are still here and posting is a huge load off my mind. Was literally eating me up not knowing all this time what had been going on in my absence and if I had killed the rp or not. I'll back up real quick though and apologize while explaining why I suddenly dropped off the map (although its kind of a stupid reason.) To put it shortly my dumb ass luck manifested itself yet again in the form of my 17lb cat jumping on my computer. Honestly didn't think anything of it until I opened my laptop up the next day to find that I no longer had a screen (wasn't cracked or anything but was just pitch black-Like the cp would turn on but the image display was just shot.) Living paycheck to paycheck I really didn't think I'd be able to save up for a replacement for quite a while. Luckily for me though I was cuttin the shit with a guy at work recently and was kinda bitchin about my computer situation. He recommended I hit up some of the local pawn shops and bingo bango it only took 70 bucks to get a working laptop! Mind you this thing is an ancient piece of plastic junk, but it can connect to the internet and had Microsoft word! Really just wanted to hop on here as quick as I could to let ya'll know I am ok in the real world-afterall I know firsthand how it can be a bit eerie when rpers you've been with for a bit just dissapear without a trace. All that being said I don't expect to still be in this roleplay or anything (again, haven't read up yet to see the state of things) but I still plan on reading up and supporting you guys however I can! Cannot express how glad I am to see this still up and running and also just how bad I feel about literally not being able to contact you guys.