[center][color=gray][h1]Leisy Takigawa[/h1][/color][/center] Leisy stared in amazement as an image of the [url=http://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Fletchling_(Pok%C3%A9mon)]orange-hooded bird[/url] appeared on the device in her hands. [indent][b]Fletchling, the Tiny Robin Pokémon. Although Fletchling's chirp is quite beautiful to hear, it is relentlessly tough with those who enter its territory[/b][/indent] [i]Fletchling. So that’s what he’s called,[/i] Leisy thought, raising her eyes to the bird pokemon who was still peering down at her with curious eyes. Leisy hesitated before offering the bird a gentle smile, unsure of what to do. She had no pokemon, no method of “weakening” the Fletchling, but Leisy wouldn’t have wanted to do that anyways. [color=gray]"You’re just curious, aren’t you?”[/color] Leisy whispered, looking up at the Fletchling. [color=gray]“You’re just taking a break from flying to watch the clueless human blundering around the forest like an idiot. It really did take a long time for me to figure out that the best way to find pokemon is to stop trying to find them.” [/color]Leisy sighed, looking back around her at the forest full of pokemon. [color=gray]“I guess the key is to stay off the path and be a part of the forest.”[/color] Straightening, Leisy stretched a her arms and adjusted the straps of her bag, giving the bird in the tree a little wave. [color=gray]“I’ll be going now, Fletchling. I wanna get to the main river before it gets dark—people say you can find water pokemon there, and I can’t wait to see some.” [/color] Leisy set off again, but she went through the forest this time. Even though she’d been wearing all her hiking gear, it hadn’t occurred to her to actually take the route through the undergrowth. Although the pokemon still scattered as she passed, Leisy seemed to pose less of a threat to them now that she was traveling through their terrain, clueless and naive as she rustled bushes and crunched leaves below her feet. Every one of her moves was transmitted throughout the woods, and the pokemon seemed to understand that this girl, however noisy, wasn’t dangerous. By the time Leisy heard the soft gurgling of the river, she was completely drained. A rustle in the trees above her head alerted Leisy to a pokemon’s presence. Looking up, she saw the familiar Fletchling staring at her pensively. Leisy flashed the bird a smile, rifling through her bag for a few seconds before producing a granola bar. [color=gray]“Here you go,” [/color]Leisy said, breaking off a piece of the bar for the pokemon. [color=gray]”It’s dried cereal stuck together with honey—nothing dangerous, promise,” [/color]Leisy joked, placing the piece of granola on a rock before retreating back to the boulder she left her bag on. After a few moments, the Fletchling flew down to the boulder, pecking experimentally at the block of dried cereal grains. He seemed to like it, and soon enough the piece of granola was gone. A little surprised that the pokemon had actually eaten the granola, Leisy hesitated before speaking up again. [color=gray]”Do you want the rest of it as well?”[/color] Leisy regretted it as soon as the words left her mouth. It was already impressive enough that she’d gotten a wild pokemon to eat the food she gave him, but now she wanted to feed him more? Leisy had all but forgotten about the pokemon as she fretted about how spoiled she was acting, but the sound of wingbeats near her ear shocked her back to earth as the Fletchling landed on her shoulder, waiting patiently. [color=gray]”Wha—”[/color] Leisy squeaked in surprise, nearly tripping as she righted her balance in accordance to the new weight on her shoulder. After recovering, Leisy giggled a little before breaking off another piece of granola and offering it to the bird pokemon. [color=gray]”Here you go,” [/color]Leisy said, smiling at the Fletchling as he finished off the bar. Turning slowly around as to not disturb the contented robin, Leisy picked up her bag, her eyes catching on a flash of red and white in the satchel. The girl retrieved the pokeball from her bag, staring at its smooth, red surface thoughtfully. [color=gray]”Say, Fletchling, what do you think about coming with me on a journey?”[/color] The Fletchling cocked his head for a moment in thought before chattering lightly and ruffling his feathers, pleased. Leisy hesitated before putting the pokeball before the Fletchling that promptly pecked the white button, releasing the red light that sucked the bird pokemon into the ball. Almost dropping the pokeball in shock, Leisy made a dive that landed her on the ground, the pokeball nestled in her arms. [color=gray] “Bidein,”[/color] Leisy said, bringing the red capsule up to eye level. [color=gray] “I’m going to call you Bidein.”[/color] The pokeball glowed red with contentment.