[Center] [B]Name:[/B] Natalie Hawkins [B]Nickname:[/B] Nat, Hawkie, Hawk's Eye [B]Gender:[/B] Female [B]Age:[/B] 2100 years old (appears to be 17 or so) [B]Place of Origin:[/B] Greece, though of Irish Descent [B]Camp Cabin:[/B] None, has own personal tent in the woods near the practice range, since she is the camp instructor of Archery. [B]Appearance:[/B] [img]http://womenitems.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/08/fresh-ideas-of-eye-lens-colors-13.jpg[/img] [B]Relationship Status:[/B] Single [B]Sexuality:[/B] Heterosexual [B]Partner:[/B] Not Applicable [B]Godly Parent:[/B] She is a Maiden of Artemis [B]Human Parent:[/B] Aoife Hawkins -- Long Deceased [B]Siblings:[/B] None Known [B]Legacy:[/B] Aphrodite, the goddess of Love, Fertility, Sexuality, etc. Who loves to try and tempt the pure Maidens into falling in love and breaking their vows. Of all the maidens, Natalie has resisted such for the longest by far. [B]Pets:[/B] Felix, a Peregrine Falcon who helps in her hunts. [B]Other;[/B] Not Applicable [I][b]-- Personal Information --[/B][/I] [B]Personality:[/B] Outside of teaching itself, Natalie is an incredibly humble person. Having even changed her old Celtic name of ages so that more modern tongues wouldn't have the dire task of learning how to pronounce it. Not that she minded of course, it really waa quite the mouthful. Though such does not even compare to her confidence and cunning, of which has grown over the eons she has lived. Outside of such, she is a lover of music and of art, preferring often the old ways of accomplishing work, even though it might take longer than most would prefer. Though diligent in her work and her hunts, she is also one to stop and proverbially smell the roses. Enjoying the beauty that both nature and mankind can create. [B]Skills:[/B] [I]- Athleticism & Gymnastics -[/I] Thousands of years of hunting has finely honed Natalie's body into an exquisitely beautiful subject of grace, and a weapon. With maddeningly fast reflexes, and eons of training that has sharpened her instincts to an incredibly fine edge, Artemis has truly shaped one of her eldest maidens into a weapon of reckoning. [I]- Blade Mastery -[/i] Whether it be with swords, daggers or knives, Natalie possesses a prowess that only very few in the Maidens, let alone campers can possibly rival. Specializing in the use of double gladius, of which are often sheathed on her back, she is the owner of a relentless offensive which is truly terrifying to behold. [I]- Sniper -[/i] As the name of this skill belies, Natalie is an extraordinary talent with the bow. Whether it be immobile, on the move, or even on horseback, she is capable of an insane degree of accuracy. This is primarily why she was ordered to be an instructor hy Artemis herself, so that her techniques might be passed on to others in good time. [I]- Intuition -[/i] After many, many years of tracking, hunting, and even the occasional game of not-so-friendly Capture the Flag (of which she has captured the flag of the Olympians several times, including the most recent game), Natalie has attuned herself to a sharpened sense of intuition. Whether it be predicting where an enemy will strike, where an animal may hide, or even if a student is telling the truth. [I]- Stealth & Subterfuge -[/i] Additionally, ambushes and setting traps are part of the repertoire of a Maiden of Artemis. The ability to sneak up on even the most sensitive of ears, or set a trap that is imperceivable to the sharpest of eyes. Each huntress, and especially Natalie, are adepts in terms hiding in the shadows, invisible to the eye, and striking when their adversay is at their least suspecting. [I]- To be Nocturne -[/i] Also, much akin to her fellow maidens, Natalie is incredibly adept at navigating theough the night. Moving swiftly from shadow to shadow, as quietly and as invisible as a ghost. Almost as if they themselves possess some sort of night vision, though this in itself is conjecture, and is incredibly unlikely. [I]- Marathon -[/i] Simply put, it is the ability to run continually for hours, and at remarkably swift speeds. Oft one does need to track a wounded Stag, after all. [I]- Mind of a Vixen -[/i] Of all things, this very well could be one of the most devious skills that Natalie possesses. It is the strength and cunning of her mind, knowing what weaknesses she has, and having the cunning to overcome them. Knowing all too well how strikingly alluring her appearance can be, and using it to manipulate others into doing what she needs them to. [I]-- Falconry --[/I] The art of using a Falcon for hunting. Learning this as Maiden as well, she keeps a Peregrine Falcon named Felix under her care. It is both similarly a tool flr the hunt, and an art alongside it. Commonly on Sunday afternoons at the camp, she can be found in a field, twirling the bait so that Felix can practice his attacks. He is her eye in the sky, and her trusted companion. [B]Biography:[/B] Like many of those from an ancient age, Natalie was born into a turbulent life. Growing up within a tight ring of a community of peasant farmers in what is present day Ireland. For the most part, her childhood was peaceful, living a hardworking farmer's life across rolling hills of emerald. But such serene quiet was not due to last. A few weeks after her seventeenth birthday, [i]they[/i] came. Raiders, brigands, bastards all the same who preyed upon the village with monstrous fury. Before her own eyes, her father was murdered in front of her own eyes, and their farm, all the farms of the village burned. Through the smoke and embers, she, her mother, and all the other women of the village were bound into chains, and dragged off to the slave market. Little did she know, that she, with her vibrant fiery hair, would earn a prized price. Of all the slaves, she was kept tended to the most; across ocean, across forest and plain they traveled until at long last they arrived in the city of Athens, Greece. Not long after their arrival, they were washed, bathed, and then put on auction to be sold. Her mother was sold first, and the other girls as well. Yet by the way she was stared at through the bars of her temporary prison, she knew she was in grave danger. Once she was put upon the pedestal to be sold, a bidding war ensued, with a wealthy merchant beating them all out at long last. Later that night, she found out she was bought to be his son's wife. The very same eve, she made for her escape. Frantically running into the woods, stricken with fear that she might be caught and beaten, or even worse, killed. It was in this frightened pace that she happened upon none other than Artemis herself. The goddess had been out on a hunt for a wondrous stag, only to collide with a girl who was broken and lost. Yet also extraordinarily beautiful. Deeming it necessary, Artemis made Natalie an offer. A deal to be free of the chains of slavery, to be free to hunt and explore the world as she saw fit. All it would take was a vow. A vow to cast aside any thought of love, of marriage, or even having children. A vow to serve alongside Artemis as a maiden, a huntress. So desperate was she, that she pounced on the opportunity of immortality. And with such words came freedom, and with such freedom, came gifts of athleticism, archery, swordplay, and much much more. Over the eons, she pursued excellence in the arts of the Huntress, and she swiftly became known as one of the most potent, and most lethal Maidens throughout the ages. Fast forwarding to modern day, the camp of demi-humans had informed the Gods of the need for a new Archery instructor. With a moment of cunning, Artemis volunteered one of her favorite huntresses, Natalie for the job. One that she would soon take up earnestly. [I][b]-- Weaponry Information --[/b][/i] [B]Weapon/s:[/B] - Two Gladius, an enchanted Saracen Bow with a quiver, and a hunting knife for skinning and so on. [B]Weapon/s Name/s:[/B] [I]Caladbolg & Caeldfwch:[/i] A pair of Gladius known for their meticulous craftwork and balance. Perfectly built for close quarters combat. Each are incredibly light, and impervious to damage. Named in honor of her Celtic lineage, both blades are honed to a sharpness that can easily pierce steel and magic alike. [I]Aoife:[/I] Named after the mother she had lost, this Recurve Saracen Bow is an meticulous piece of art, alongside a tool used commonly in her hunts and teachings. It seems as if made of feathered ivory, and is chillingly cold for others to touch. The quiver is made of fine leathers, and is oft draped low to hang just below her lower waist. Causing it to bob slightly to each side as she walks. The string is made of seeemingly otherworldly fabric as it seems to resonatingly hum each time she draws upon it. The strength at which this bow fires is remarkable, reaching hundreds of yards beyond the range of normal camp bows with startling accuracy, as of the arrows that are fired resist the very wind itself. Or is that just the level of skill the new Archery teacher is capable of? What is known, is that each arrow is fired with an almost luminous quality, dealing massive damage in bursts of light to any target they strike. [I]Hunter's Knife:[/I] A simple, razor sharp hunting knife, sheathed on the exterior of her upper right thigh. [B]Weapon/s Type/s:[/B] Short Sword, Bow and Arrow, and Knife. [B]Attributes:[/B] See above, please. ^^ [I][b]-- Other --[/b][/i] Not Applicable [I][b]-- Theme Song --[/b][/i] [Url=https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=OoO_EYPjh6o][I]Bishop -- River[/I][/url] TBA [/center]