[hider=Sample Character] [center][img]http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/disgaea/images/e/e4/PCIRBTH_Hero_Prinny.png/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/250?cb=20131026184413&path-prefix=en[/img] [h3][color=0054a6]Hiro Sura[/color][/h3][/center] [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Age:[/b] 17 [b]Race:[/b] Mountain Tengu [b]Equipment[/b][list] [*]Scarf - An enchanted scarf with small chunks of Lapi embedded throughout that allow Hiro to control his explosive nature. [*]Pack - A small hip-mounted satchel that can contain numerous useful items. [*][url=https://wiki.teamfortress.com/w/images/a/ae/Prinny_Knife.png?t=20160708092523]Machete[/url] - Dual serrated machete useful for chopping up plants and people. [/list] [b]Abilities[/b][list] [*][i]Levitation[/i] - Using their tiny wings, mountain tengu can levitate about 2-3 feet off the ground for about a minute before a quick rest. [*][i]Explosive Nature Control[/i] - Though most Mountain Tengu are magically bound to explode upon too rough an impact, Hiro's scarf not only allows him freedom from this curse, but also allows him to generate these explosions at will. [*][i]Communication[/i] - Blessing of the gods? Inherited trait? Who knows, but every member of the Sura tree is able to talk to and understand every race with little effort. [/list] [b]Talents[/b][list] [*]Excellent at bringing together a team. [*]Above average stamina and speed. [*]Good fighter. [/list] [b]Personality:[/b] Like most tengu, he's quite lazy and unintelligent, but only relative to other races. For a tengu, he's actually quite motivated and smart, seemingly because of his mother's excursions to towns and villages near the mountains. He also doesn't seem to share his race's love of mischief, though he doesn't take things seriously all the time either. In fact, he seems to be completely unaffected by pressure, always confident and scatterbrained. Still, this joyfulness doesn't come with empathy. He rarely considers how people other than his tribe feel and can be naive. Overall, he's just an average person, and he seems to accept the fact without any pretenses. Seems to always end his sentences with "chum" for some reason. [b]Biography:[/b] Born from a long line of different races starting with his great grandfather, a human turned monster. Hiro had a regular Tengu mother Nana, chief of the tribe actually, and satyr who had inhabited the mountain, the inheritor of the Sura title. Keeping inline with his nature, the satyr was quick to leave Nana once Hiro was born, leaving naught but a loose family history. Nana named Hiro after the progenitor of the line. This fascination with her lover's family history lead her and Hiro to visit many human settlements to ask about a human named Hero. Though not many remembered him, those who did seemed to disagree. Some say he was one of the best chefs in the land, often serving the king. Others say he used to be a knight in the King's Guard before trekking towards the mountain with his wife and never returning. Of course, this didn't matter to the young Hiro. He was much more interested in the human gadgets. Frequently he would be caught absentmindedly holding onto said objects, though his cute nature was enough to escape without much more than a scolding from most. As Hiro came a bit closer to succeeding his mother, she taught him the two most important facets of being a Tengu chief. Being strong enough to defend the tribe, and the ability to rally the normally docile Tengu. Both skills would prove invaluable to the future, and he thanks his mother every day for the training. Though most Tengu wielded a polearm or a similar easily craftable and long weapon, Hiro trained frequently with his machete instead, both of which his mother had traded for. He was also given the "Chief Scarf," a relic that was passed down to the village chief, and then their subordinates in the likely event of death. Said scarf allowed tengu to control their regularly explosive form. Training was relatively regular, supplemented with a Tengu's natural combat intuition it was enough to make him a good fighter. Drawing ever closer to the day Hiro would become chief, tengu started disappearing. First it was happening to other tribes, some members mysteriously never came back. Then whole tribes were disappearing, and eventually Hiro's people had been targeted. Some of his friends had taken leave, only to never come back. Nana began limiting her visits to nearby towns, eventually cutting herself off completely when she returned with "Prin Leather," a mysterious substance that felt suspiciously like tengu skin. It seemed that the mountain tengu who disappeared were being poached, something Hiro absolutely would not stand for. He vowed, on that day, to give the tengu a voice, and to stop the murder. Hiro journeyed first to the capital, only to be denied an audience with the king. He was a simple tengu, and no claims that he was a tribe leader would dissuade them. He would have to gain notoriety, and to do so he joined the [FACTION] Army, rising through the ranks by indicting his own squad into the ranks. Eventually, he would even gain a spot in the [MAIN FORCE] [b]Other:[/b] [hider=Mountain Tengu] [center][img]http://orig09.deviantart.net/a104/f/2009/024/6/4/prinny__not_done__by_maharl.png[/img] Mountain Tengu[/center] [b]Origin[/b] Originally a more mischievous offshoot of demons, the mountain tengu staked their turf upon Mt. Lux. They would frequently pick on and harass travelers, occasionally even killing them. Eventually, a squadron of peasants congregated against them, but the peasants were easily defeated. A local wizard, seeing this, cursed the to death if they ever incurred the wrath of another. As the tengu population decreased, only those who didn't fight travelers were left, and as time passed the tengus body became more rounded. After a certain time, they split off into tribes to explore the mountains, and now decently sized groups of tengu feed off the mountain, occasionally playing tricks on those who enter, but overall being quite unimportant. [b]Recurring Traits[/b] [b]Culture and Legends[/b] [/hider] [/hider]