Kobicha's eyes were a bit wide as she looked over to Lina and Kuhn. Lina said, "We're not working with you guys anymore." Kobicha waved, "I'll be honest: I don't want anything to do with you guys." Turning off, she began to drag her men off, most of them going along. Lina reached out and grabbed Kuhn's sleeve, insisting, "No." As the situation finally petered out, Macario suggested, "Alright: I need some shoes, first aid, and some real food. Let's hit the town." A bustle of cloak rushed from the Verdant Company forces. Lina turned to see someone rushing at her. She went for her sword but he leaped above, green cloak falling off revealing blue rags wrapped over most of his body, knife in hand leading as he fell towards Chester.