[center][b][h1]SALUTE TO THE FALLEN[/h1][/b][/center] [center][img]https://s11.postimg.org/97z47ug43/World_003.png[/img][/center] [center][h3]JUNE[/h3][/center] [b][u]June 6th[/u][/b] A cloudburst in Staratia adds to existing flood waters, killing 800 people in villages in the Hronstadt district, another 180 in Hemesvar and 100 in Toldava. [b][u]June 7th[/u][/b] The [b][color=beige]Seljuk Army[/color][/b] begins it's offensive across the river into Karalian territory. General Mahmed acknowledged that even while inebriated, he found the constant "over the shoulder" attitude of the Saurilian military advisers strange. Proclaiming that crossing the river would be a bloodthirsty affair, the actual crossing turns out to be a twelve hour, uneventful action. The Karalian freedom fighters, who number less than 8,000, do not possess the numbers to oppose the two infantry divisions of the Seljukii Army. [center][img]https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/7/7f/Muster_on_the_Plain_of_Esdraelon_1914.jpg[/img] [i]Seljuk troops forming up to cross the river, 1910[/i][/center] [b][u]June 8th[/u][/b] [b][color=purple]Republic of Zellonia[/color][/b] diplomat Trellis Roberts arrives in Kamrun, Samgola and opens diplomatic relations along with Saurilian diplomats as well. [[color=green]+8 Relations[/color]] [b][u]June 10th[/u][/b] Ships of the Zellonian fleet shell a Karalian village, killing 273 villagers and 3 Blutlandic merchants. 15,000 Zellonian soldiers enter the city and garrison it. The [b]Kabas Incident[/b] reflects poorly on the Zellonian Republican Navy, drawing the ire and objections from Sessau and Estalia. That same day, 5,000 Zellonians enter the Seljuk Holy City of [i]Denuyyid[/i] on the Southern Coast. The Seljuk government immediately requests that they leave the city, and are so enraged that the the Zellonian destroyer [i]ZRN Dorset[/i] is boarded at the harbor city of Fuyasi and it's crew taken prisoner. [center][img]https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/7/7e/Austrian_troops_marching_up_Mt._Zion,_1916.JPG[/img] [i]Zellonian soldiers marching through Denuyyid, June 1910[/i][/center] [b][u]June 12th[/u][/b] The [b][color=brown]Meung Dominion[/color][/b], the largest nation in Faresia--second in size only to the Republic of Staratia, admits in an international conference that due to failing budgets and high unrest, it is willing to lease the city of Tsungmao out to any Continental nation that is interested. With a population of 14,000,000, it is a highbrow provincial coastal city with 2 Minor Dockyards and 1 Textile Factory. It is now taking bids to lease this city out for a period of 20 years. [center][img]https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/5/53/City_of_Victoria,_Hong_Kong.jpg[/img] [i]City of Tsungmao, circa 1905[/i][/center] [b][u]June 13th[/u][/b] The [b][color=beige]Seljuk Empire[/color][/b] Navy Bureau officially receives a request to design a new [b]Light Cruiser[/b]. The following schematics: [hider=Necdet-class Light Cruiser] -- [b][Request Category][/b]: [Naval] -- [b][Request Perimeters][/b]: [Light Cruiser] -- [Desired Requirements]: The Seljuk Sultanate Navy ([i]SSN[/i]) requests a light cruiser design with exceptional range, understanding foregoing belt armor and ammunition storage in exchange for coal storage for fuel as well as serving power for possible surface raiding. Requested armament would be 5.9" guns with a possible speed of up to 32 knots. [/hider] [b][u]June 14th[/u][/b] The [b][color=beige]Seljuk Army[/color][/b] starts advancing on the Karalian capital of [i]Seyyud[/i], which is being protected by a mere 3,500 men. The Karalians there begin destroying the sent Otto Mark II rifles in hopes of depriving them to the inevitable Seljuk conquerors. Mass looting begins and over 10,000 flee northeast to the Tyro-Antarian border. The Tyro-Antarians, who had since done nothing to secure their border, find tens of thousands Karalians sneaking across the border. [center][img]http://en.academic.ru/pictures/enwiki/82/Recruiting_for_the_Holy_War_near_Tiberias_1914.jpg[/img] [i]Karalian freedom fighters stop for a photo, June 1910[/i][/center] [b][u]June 15th[/u][/b] The [b][color=maroon]Republic of Zellonia[/color][/b] Army Department of Development finishes it's theoretical designs on a 155mm howitzer; the largest cannon ever made. Were one [b]designed[/b] and produced, it would give the small Zellonian Army the theoretical punching power of a much larger nation. [center][img]https://www.the-blueprints.com/blueprints-depot-restricted/weapons/artillery-and-cannons/15cm_slg_s_f_h_13_krupp_l17-70738.jpg[/img] [i]Basic idea of a 155mm howitzers, June 1910[/i][/center] [hr] [hider=Relations & Production][center][img]http://s14.postimg.org/ee76vtapt/Politics_1.png[/img] [i]Political Situation in June, 1910[/i][/center] [b]RELATIONS[/b] -- [b][color=maroon]Zellonia[/color][/b]/[b][color=orange]Samgola[/color][/b]: [[color=lightblue]+9[/color]] [i]As one of the first two countries to acknowledge Samgolan independence, Zello-Samgolan relations are off to a great start[/i]. -- [b][color=lavender]Staratia[/color][/b]/[b][color=yellow]Estalia[/color][/b]: [[color=red]-4[/color]] [i]Both Republics, Staratia and Estalia are at odds as Staratia supported the independence of Estalian Serranthia independence in 1906, sending the rebels there rifles and supplies. Since, the Estalians have wagered a high tax on Staratian trade there through the Strait of Kalif.[/i] -- [b][color=blue]Thecia[/color][/b]/[b][color=yellow]Estalia[/color][/b]: [[color=lightblue]+9[/color]] [i]Estalia and Thecia have enjoyed trade for hundreds of years, and while Thecian monarchism reigns supreme, Estalia and Thecia possess a burgeoning trade relationship stymied only by Thecia's distance[/i]. -- [b][color=green]Dongaria[/color][/b]/[b][color=yellow]Estalia[/color][/b]: [[color=lightblue]+1[/color]] [i]With little trade, culture and geography in common, the Kingdom of Dongaria and the Estalian Republic have no opinion of one another. Most Dongarians believe Estalians to be lazy[/i]. -- [b][color=purple]Tyro-Antari Empire[/color][/b]/[b][color=yellow]Estalia[/color][/b]: [+0] [i]Two nations whose paths have rarely crossed, the Dual Monarchy and the Coastal Republic have little to discuss, their embassies are rarely used. The former, a more land based power and the latter a more sea based power also have little to complain of one another[/i]. -- [b][color=red]Blutland[/color][/b]/[b][color=yellow]Estalia[/color][/b]: [[color=red]-14[/color]] [i]The Estalians have long harbored their Blutlandic cousins as a weaker bunch. With an inadequate navy, but a superior holding on the Continent, the Estalians often feel themselves looking inwards to a nation they see as inferior.[/i] -- [b][color=red]Blutland[/color][/b]/[b][color=purple]Tyro-Antari Empire[/color][/b]: [[color=lightblue]+4[/color]] [i]Based perhaps on geography, the Tyro-Antarians and Blutlands see themselves as acquaintances at a ballroom party. Neither party has reason to thumb their nose at the other, and neither party has reason to ask the other for a dance.[/i] -- [b][color=orange]Madeira[/color][/b]/[b][color=yellow]Estalia[/color][/b]: [[color=lightblue]+16[/color]] [i]Long time friends, Madeiran and Estalian relations are some of the best they have been since the early 1800's. The Madeirans and Estalians are culturally similar, in that Madeirans speak the Estalian language, albeit with a very unique dialect[/i]. [b][color=maroon]Zellonia[/color][/b]/[b][color=blue]Sessau[/color][/b]: [[color=red]-22[/color]] [i]In the early 1800's the [b]Zello-Sessauan Wars[/b] were some of the most fierce of the continent. They ended with the Zellonians eventually conquering and fragmenting the large Sessauan Empire, which later became the Kingdom of Sessau[/i]. [b][color=maroon]Zellonia[/color][/b]/[b][color=orange]Estalia[/color][/b]: [[color=red]-15[/color]] [i]Although friendly originally, Zellonian's recent decision to begin expanding militarily has soured Zello-Estalian relations, as Zellonia and Estalia may have divergent intentions over the Kizurgas Islands in the Inner Sea[/i]. [b][color=maroon]Zellonia[/color][/b]/[b][color=green]Dongaria[/color][/b]: [[color=red]-10[/color]] [b][color=purple]Tyro-Antarian Empire[/color][/b]/[b][color=beige]Seljuk Empire[/color][/b]: [[color=lightblue]+11[/color]][/hider]