[b]Ruby[/b] Ruby watched as the situation got worse she decided to continue on to the grand hall this hole thing had nothing to do with her and she had no intention to get herself involved with a pointless battle once she reached the grand hall she sat down while levitating in the air while waiting for the head master to sort out the mess down below. [b]Charlotte[/b] listened to the two mythical beasts she was a little disappointed that she didn't have the chance to take any of the diamonds but since there was some kind of trouble up ahead she decided to go check it out she followed the two beasts she and like the dragon she sat back and waited for an explanation. [b]Kai, Rose, Sabrina and Alex[/b] Alex watched as a diamond dome formed around her and shade and as the lasers began to fire her scattered pieces of her arms and legs began to move together as if pulled by a magnet they began to form a new head then that head began to grow an new body as her new body formed her hair began to wrap around her body as it changed colour it recreated her cloths all this was happening while her original body was being disintegrated by Kai's Lasers Kai, Rose, Sabrina and Alex listened to Kaito and realised it was possible and decided to help him trap shard Sabrina had her dolls create a light dome around shade Alex followed her lead and created a acid blood dome around that seeing that Rose created a leaf dome around that and Kai created another diamond dome around that believing that all of this would be able to contain the Heartless once they where done Kai tuned around he was a little surprised all the diamonds where all their and looked the new arrivals "long story cut sort psycho provoked ass hole ass hole kills psycho psycho comes back kills ass hole this drives demon child and Heartless crazy we fight to try and stop them knock out demon kid and trap Heartless in a multilayered cage"