[Universe 1] She felt awful, it was her fault the thing was free. If people were killed because of her, she wouldn't know what she would do with herself. An she didn't want the Doctor getting mad at her for doing something so stupid. He'd probably yell at her just like did to that Dalek and ditch her someplace. But aside from that, she didn't want anyone getting hurt on her account. There had to be something she could do. If the Doctor was mad at her, she would understand entirely. A big part of her was already sure that this was one screw up that couldn't be brushed aside. As she heard gunfire and people yelling, another sharp pain of guilt struck her. Jen felt terrible. Van Statten and the guard talked and thankfully the Doctor was released. But if he hadn't, she would have happily taken a crowbar to the guy's face in order to persuade him to do the right thing. The Doctor slipped his shirt and coat back on and told the guards to be armed. He then told her to go back to the TARDIS, probably where she couldn't mess anything else up. "I can't. I have to fix this. I'm staying." She said firmly, there was no way she'd turn her back on those she had just endangered. She couldn't do that, she couldn't stand by and let people fight. She would do something, somehow. The Doctor tried to talk her out of it but she just shook her head. "I don't care, this is my fault." Jen said. It was just one Dalek and they had numbers on their side, plus the Doctor. Jennifer wasn't feeling too defeated just yet. They hurried up the stairs, hoping to corner it and keep it from getting any further. Van Statten said that Level 35 would be the best place. They still had a ways to go it seemed. More physical crap, Jen was in no position to complain about it though. Running and more running. Jennifer looked around, it seemed reports of the army falling were coming in over the walkie talkie. Jen heard that they were unable to hold it back and that it was closing the gap on them. She couldn't even begin to think about the people who were dying because of her. They made it, finally, to the proper level though they only got some time to catch their breath. "An elevator wouldn't kill the architecture, you know." She muttered to Van Statten. "Is there a place that's able to contain the Dalek? I mean, what are its weaknesses? It's got to have something right?" Jen looked from Van Statten to the Doctor. Just then a call came over that a large group of the armed guards had located the Dalek near the weapons vault but there was still some civilians trapped. From the sounds of it, there was a boy there who was about her age. "I have to go and help them." Jen said. "I'll get them and bring them back here." She said. "I'm really sneaky when it counts." "We could head up to the fifty-first floor, try to just seal the whole place and evacuate all survivors." Van Statten's assistant advised. "I'll go and get whoever is still stuck down there and meet you guys at Level 51 then." Jennifer said. "I'm useless with you guys anyway, the least I can do is go down and see what's going on." She said and headed back down the stairs before the Doctor could do anything with the walkie talkie. "I'll see you later!" She waved to him and continued back down the way she had just come. She recalled that the weapon vault was on the 25'th Level so she didn't have too far to go down. "Hey, if anyone is still down there, I'm coming, we need to get movin' though." Jen said through the communication system. "Just stay out of its way." She said as she reached the 25'th Level. Jen ran down the hallway and made a sharp left. She saw a cluster of people hiding behind some boxes. She saw the coast was clear and motioned for them to hurry over to her. One of them, a boy about her age, handed her a gun and thanked her for coming back. "Ditching people ain't my style." She grinned and took the gun and headed back for the stairs. The band of guards were staying behind to hold off the Dalek. She heard a series of sprinklers go off and she then heard more gunfire. The boy said the Dalek was ruthless, killing anyone it came across. As they wen up the stairs, Jen sent word to the others who were ahead of them. "I got some people with me." She said and went back to running. A minute later, it seemed the Dalek had exterminated everyone and was now chasing them. A woman pushed them forward while she stalled to give them time to catch up to Van Statten. There was word they would be closing the bulkheads and to hurry up. "Hold on!" Jen said as she and the boy who had introduced himself as Adam, were now running up to the 46'th Level. As they rounded the next corner, the Dalek floated upwards and Jen looked to Adam. "Hurry!" He said and they sprinted to the 51'st Level, as they were nearing it, Jen reached out for Adam's hand but he swatted it away and pushed her back into the wall as he dove under the closing door. "Seems we got different styles, see ya!" He rolled under and Jen got up and saw the Dalek moving toward her. "You totally suck!" She yelled at the door and got to her feet. She at least had the walkie talkie. "Seems chivalry is dead around here." She muttered into the device and kicked the wall in anger. She backed up as the Dalek advanced. "This is my fault though, he shouldn't have had to die for my mistake." Jen sighed and swallowed. "I don't necessarily blame the jerk for tripping me if we both weren't gonna make it." Jen looked at the Dalek as it studied her. What was it waiting for? "I'm really sorry Doctor, I totally screwed up. But I wanted to thank you for everything you've done for me, it meant the world to me and I feel like I-" "Exterminate!" The Dalek interrupted, shooting the walkie talkie rather than the brunette. - - - [Universe 2] She was right to voice concern based on their trip to Mars a while ago but it wasn't the same. He shook his head. "No, it's not them, don't worry." He said to her. Summer then mentioned how he had contradicted himself in terms of there being but not being witchcraft in their midst. It was tough to explain. He knew humans perceived magic differently but in this case, there were creatures could use magic, in a sense, but they weren't magical by any means. They were aliens, nothing too glossy like those from Harry Potter, which was a good series. "I know it doesn't make much sense." He frowned a little. "But trust me when I say it is but also, isn't witchcraft." The Doctor told her. He would need a lot more information before he could make any moves. Something told him, however, that he didn't have a lot of time to solve such a mystery. That always seemed to be the case wherever they went. "Clearly something is going on with Shakespeare, he's under some sort of spell but who would gain something from the play continuing as planned? Clearly they want it to go off without a hitch and yet time has told us that there is not such thing. Something is going to happen tomorrow night." He began to mutter to himself. "What what what?" He smacked his forehead a few times, as if the answer itself was lodged somewhere and all that he needed was to set it free. Sadly it didn't do much good. He turned back to Summer, he could apologize yet again for such odd circumstances but it seemed she was used to such odd patterns in their travels. It was quite good to have company. He was so used to having Summer around, showing her places and solving riddles, that he couldn't help but worry that they couldn't keep traveling forever. All of his companions left in some way or another. Be it death, of their own free will or if they were taken from him. But he was certain that should something happen to Summer, should she be taken off like she had often in the past, he would do anything to get her back. The Doctor noticed Summer looking a bit tired. The yawn wasn't a sure fire indicator though. People often yawned not because of fatigue or boredom but because their brains weren't getting a good amount of oxygen. He decided though, that she must be tired after wandering about in such an era. "Let's turn in for the night hm?" He smiled, though his internal thoughts weren't keen on settling down anytime soon. Summer headed into bed and he sat at the end, attempting to amuse her with stories until she fell asleep. When she did, he was awfully tempted to go out and do some exploring on his own but he had learned his lesson and that was to stick together. The Doctor contented himself with thinking about the plot at hand. About two hours passed before there was a scream. He hurried for the door and looked over his shoulder to see the girl with him was already wide awake and ready to investigate. For a moment he wanted to suggest she go back to bed and get some rest but he knew her well enough to know that his advice would fall on deaf ears. A human with bubbling curiosity would find it hard to go back to sleep with such calamity going on around them. "No rest for the wicked!" Following the source of the cry, they entered Shakespeare's room and saw another death. The Doctor didn't bother examining her and instead hurried to the window to take a look. Shakespeare wasn't a killer and his efforts needed to be focused now. "What happened?" He turned around to the bard as Summer had asked the same thing. He saw the figure and he knew exactly who he was up against. His stomach churned. "This is gonna be tricky." He shook his head and turned to hear Summer blurt out about what the bard had written. He physically winced and shook his head. She couldn't keep slipping comments like that. It was dangerous and could alter the reality they already knew. He held up a hand, not wanting to linger on the idea of witches. "Not yet he hasn't..." It wouldn't be good. "Come on." He grabbed Summer's hand and hurried out the door, not wanting to converse about such things. William Shakespeare was clearly involved but the Doctor was sure that he was unaware of it. It would do them no good to talk in circles. "We need to do some looking around." He told her as he let go of her hand and headed out of the Inn quickly. He turned back and waited for the girl to catch up before he quickly headed to the Globe Theater but upon entering it as it was now empty, he noticed something. "This isn't right." He ran up to the stage and stood on it. He spun around and soon Shakespeare caught up with him. "Why isn't this designed to your specifications?' "The man, Peter Streete, had thought sound would be carried better with his own work." "Where is he now?" "Admitted to Bedlam, I'm afraid." He replied. "Oh dear." The Doctor turned to Summer. It was perhaps midnight now but they couldn't waste any time, in less than twenty-four hours, history would be changed. "Come on!" He said and jumped off the stage and ran off, intent on getting some proper answers and confirmation to his dark theory.