Irvinehad been making slow progress towards the larger group at the centre of the field when something whispered in his ear. The boy inevitably flinched at the sudden interaction as he simply glared into the blank space in front of him. Surely this was the actions of another student, though he couldn't see them. He glanced over both shoulders, still nothing. But then a girl approached and stated that she could see something, or rather someone. If this was a taster of the year ahead this was going to get very confusing. [color=39b54a]"excuse me..."[/color] Is all the boy mumbled out as he looked back to the floor and continued walking. He wasn't one to really stop and talk, he'd rather just observe what exactly he'd gotten himself into. Before Irvine had a chance to reach the centre however a large group of people appeared to be marching across the field. Followed by animals, small and big... why all this for just one individual? The idea was rather beyond his comprehension, he'd understand just groups of people, like a mob leader maybe, but this would possibly represent a circus. But then.. if it were a circus why was the person getting off the largest of the creatures acting all high and mighty. [color=39b54a]"Bah..."[/color] Irvine stated as he pushed the long trial of pointless thought form his mind. It appeared another student didn't take to well to this persons appearance and things seemed to be turning sour rather quickly. The boy fumbled his hand down to the hilt held at his belt as he simply chose to continue observing. Complete chaos, that was the only way to describe that which had quickly unfolded on the field of students. Those that wielded greater powers began fighting amongst themselves. Whether magic or otherwise and even transformations, this was not a situation Irvine was about to put himself in the middle of. His shadow separated from Irvine and began to take form until it stood beside him, though they had no intention of joining the fight they might not have the leisure of that choice for very long. Irvine simply looked to the other version of himself as he simply asked. [color=39b54a]"You've got my back right?"[/color] the shadow creature drew its own hilt and with a swift wrist flick a blade of darkness formed in the empty void where a physical blade would sit if they were one. The shadow simply nodded as it stepped forward as though intending to guard Irvine from the conflict that was occurring.