[quote=@Soragoku] ive grown to fucking hate my characters name but it makes so much sense for the character oh well [/quote] I dont think it is bad at all. [quote=@TheWindel] I think I'm going to step out of this RP. I'll probably still keep an eye on it, but won't be participating in it actively. Farewell for now everyone. [/quote] It is a shame to see you go, I wish I could have done a better job entertaining you with this rp. Very sorry. [quote=@KoL] [@liferusher][@ADamnFiddle] Sorry to say that, but would you mind if I took a temporary leave from this RP? There are some RL (mostly college) reasons that led me to feel a bit disconnected of the Guild as a whole at the moment. I'll see to coming back in the future, or joining a game with you guys later, but at this moment I can't really concentrate on this one. Sorry again for the inconvenience. See ya. [/quote] No not at all, you are free to do what you want. It is sad to see you both go but it can't be avoided I guess. Feel free to come by some time :)