[hr][hr][center][h1][color=99ccff]Edwina Fairfax[/color][/h1][img]http://68.media.tumblr.com/99204db164f151a3235b251a04fa14a8/tumblr_inline_mfi7f3cL0I1raijji.gif[/img][/center][hr][center] Location: Subway Interacting With: [@Din] Nyt[/center][hr][hr]Edwina shrugged. She figured that the Joker and the Bat were two sides of the same coin, designed to continue a tragic dance for the rest of their time on Earth. It unsettled her, slightly, that the Bat was none other than Bruce Wayne. The man was loaded with riches, enough to stabilize the socioeconomic climate of Gotham. Instead, he spent his time running around in costume, destroying the city as he attempted to fight the crime that he created. She knew that her father's girlfriend, Harley Quinn, had definitely been created by the Bat. There were rumors that Harley had a daughter even, one that Edwina hoped desperately not to be true. No one else had to be dragged into the Bat's escapades. [color=99ccff]"Sounds like a bit of a [i]rocky[/i] relationship,"[/color] Edwina joked, referring the fact that most planets are in fact giant rocks. [color=99ccff]"Hmm....I could always try to boost the signal on your tablet, and we can attempt to contact your sister, then? Light is rather good at becoming energy....I'd just need a few hours rest, and an idea of how far this signal needs to go, for me to try to boost it."[/color] Truthfully, Edwina knew that it would be far more complicated than that. The few hours would be for rest, but mostly for calculations, for her to see if she even [i]could[/i] boost the signal with light waves. It seemed unlikely, but Isaac Newton invented an entirely new branch of mathematics for his purposes. Why couldn't she invent a new type of light optics for hers?