Painting was often a soothing act, an escape for her from her head, a distraction from the voices and emotions. Painting, drawing, writing, and the arts in general were the things that kept her from going insane. Not from the darkness, like her father and mother, as she seemed to be immune but from overexposure to everyone else. Art was a way to channel those emotions or block them out as much as one could. However, she still noticed the sudden silence of everything before he even spoke. She looked over her shoulder at him as he walked around her to the pond. She stared at him for a moment before she acknowledged the question that he had asked, "I'm well," she said softly. No rummaging for the answer, no uncertainty on her feelings. She finally understood the simplicity of the question and why it aggravated people when she couldn't give them an answer when she was young and no one understood what she was. Thankfully, her parents had understood, her father could hear the emotions and voices inside her and they were able to start figuring out ways for her cope with everything. Now, she was seeing a whole new way, a far more successful way that wasn't just pushing it out but eliminating it entire. The unfortunate thing was that it was a person and a person with tattoos she couldn't have. She watched him as he splashed his face before lowering her gaze back to her painting. She let her brush mark the page as she spoke, "I suppose this isn't too bad a set up... I can be with my own thoughts when you are around... It helps..." She slowly started to paint him into the picturesque painting of the pond, "Maybe... That will help me learn to control it myself..." ~ Marrock was walking down the hall, his hands in his pockets when he was suddenly approached by a girl that he had never even seen before. He was taken off guard for a second when this girl suddenly pressed her lips against his own but after a moment, smirked. He pulled away from the kiss and looked down at her, "You'll have to do better than that, Lady Lakshme," he chuckled, flicking his nose, "You hardly smell like a," he looked her over for a second, "A Moroi." He released her and the moment he had, a rather tall and intimidating blonde man walked up to them, "Excuse me," he said sharply to Marrock before grabbing the girl's arm and dragging her off. ~ Gunner was confused for a brief moment when he saw Dylan standing with some unknown boy. For starters, his daughter was acting completely out of character. He knew that Dylan had a very different apple of her eye, even though he could tell that she wasn't about to admit it to herself. Meaning, going around and kissing strangers wasn't exactly Dylan's style. But mainly, it was the fact that he had just seen her training. He walked over to the duo and looked at the boy, "Excuse me," he said before dragging the girl off and out of sight. He stared down at her, "I highly suggest you don't use your abilities on campus, Ms. Lakshme, even more so to become your roommate, Ms. Melikova. You are here to see if your kind can mix with ours, don't prove people right by pretending to be us. It is not just your future that is on the line here." He stepped back and looked at her for a long moment, "Work with us. Let me be your ally... Because I make a far worse enemy. You'll learn that in your textbooks," he said, a sharp edge to his voice. He really did hate that that was a time in his life that is written in the text books... Luckily, they hadn't used his name, to avoid tarnishing him. He nodded his head, "I had better be seeing [i]you[/i] in class and not two of my daughter," with that he turned and left without another word.