[center][URL=http://s362.photobucket.com/user/NMShape/media/coollogo_com-20083190_zpse3c42fc5.png.html][IMG]http://i362.photobucket.com/albums/oo63/NMShape/coollogo_com-20083190_zpse3c42fc5.png[/IMG][/URL][/center] Scott, Eric, and Amber around a small table toward the back of The Elite lounge. Eric had reserved the small table, which had a soft lounge chair on one side and a lush love seat on the other. Shrewdly, Eric had taken the chair and allowed Amber and Scott to sit side by side on the love seat. Scott had been pleasantly surprised when he finally met Amber. She was a pretty brunette with sharp features and as it turned out, an even sharper wit. He immediately had taken a liking to her, much the way that Eric had assured him he would. As they sat beside one another listening to Buster Keaton’s Revenge play their set, he was somewhat surprised to find that she was gradually moving closer to him. “This is awesome!” She hollered, barely audible to anyone over the loud music. However, Scott was able to hear her perfectly clear. He looked at her in mock puzzlement, as if he hadn’t heard what she had said. “This is awesome!” She repeated, indicating the band. Scott acted as if he had finally gotten what she had said, and nodded in agreement, just as she slid ever closer to him, interlocking her arm in his. He looked over to Eric, who watched the events as they unfolded with a devious smirk on his face, and just shook his head at his friend, a smile starting to form on his face. “It is.” He said, smiling as she leaned in and rested her head on his shoulder, just for a moment. [center]***[/center] Outside of The Elite lounge, a black SUV sat parked directly across the street, its occupants keeping a constant watch on the club. A man and a woman sat inside the SUV equipped with the latest in surveillance technology. “Eagle One to Base, Eagle One has eyes on the subject, awaiting further instructions.” The svelte, raven haired beauty said into the vehicles comm. System. “Base to Eagle One, maintain a safe distance, this is strictly recon, do not engage.” A voice came back through the comm. System. “We need to be sure the subject is the target.” "Acknowledged." The woman said before ending the transmission. "You heard him," She said to her compatriot in the SUV. "We watch and wait." She concluded before she picked up her cell phone and dialed a number. Once the person on the other end of the line answered she spoke again. "This is Haze. Keep a visual on the subject. Do not engage until we have a definite confirmation that he is the target." Once she received confirmation from her man on the inside, she ended the call.