[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/MXSB1zF.png[/img] [color=red]Red Slime[/color] splits into [b]two species[/b]. It is slightly smaller now. Two tiny bobbles appear at the top of it's head, feeling rough to the touch. A yellowish, translucent substance coats it's fangs that is unpleasant to the tongue. It is suddenly very [b]Hungry for blood[/b]. Seeing Yellow Slime undefended, [b]Red Slime Attacks[/b]. [b]Red Slime[/b] kills a [b]yellow slime[/b] and [b]absorbs it,[/b] growing slightly larger and becoming [color=orange]Orange Slime.[/color] It has absorbed a teeny tiny amount of magic. [b][color=red]New Red Slime[/color][/b] bobbles along. It has inherited all of [b]Orange Slime's[/b] previous traits. It is slightly [b]Peckish[/b]. [i][sub]If a combat ability is mentioned this round and it can overpower yellow slime it will attack.[/sub][/i] [color=yellow]Yellow Slime[/color] is [b]thoughtful.[/b] It feels at one with the balance of the universe and ponders the meaning of reincarnation. It has successfully alligned it's [b]Base Chakra, Naval Chakra and Solar Plexus Chakra[/b]. A pleasantly warm glow surrounds it. Then [b]Red Slime[/b] attacks, killing one of it's number. [b]Yellow Slime is scared.[/b] [color=cyan]Blue Slime[/color] rolls around feeling [b]cute[/b]. [@DeadBeatWalking] and [@Eklispe] have enough points to merge slimes. [hider=Points][b]Cynder:[/b] 3 Points [b]DeadBeatWalking:[/b] 5 Points [b]FramingAMoose:[/b] 2 Points [b]Ashevelendar[/b]: 2 Points [b]Eklispe:[/b] 4 Points [b]Antarctic Termite:[/b] 1 Points [b]RedDusk:[/b] 2 Point [b]Witch Cat:[/b] 4 Points [b]Duth Guy:[/b] 2 Points [b]Alex:[/b] 1 Point Knightshade: 3 Points[/hider][/center]