'I beg to differ', the phrase almost exited his mouth. The guards were mere pawns to the superiors in this place, to the doctors. They didn't exactly hold any power besides ordering the prisoners when they should get back into their cells. But he decided not to speak, knowing that it wouldn't really get anywhere. Not with Nancy at least. She was truly a kind soul. Joshua wonders what made her decide to work here of all places. He had his own reasons, of course, and he wasn't too innocent either. He may have another agenda while he was in here but this place may actually be where he would still find himself in if he wasn't part of the organization he is in now... perhaps as one of the patients. Who knows. He nodded when she bid farewell. He watched her enter the kitchen proper before walking towards the hallway towards the kitchen. Five guards were already there, watching as some patients were finishing up but some were also still entering. He nodded a greeting at the five and they responded in kind. He then looked at his watch. So it was time for the meeting already hm. The girl he had interacted with earlier bounded towards him and took position in front of him. "So it's time for the meeting right? Wonder what they're talking about." [color=0072bc]"Who knows. The guard meeting shouldn't be too far off at least."[/color] He had his assumptions but he doesn't really know for sure. But maybe it isn't too bad. If it's all the doctors and nurses and some of the guards, then that would mean it's just a regular meeting. They might not even discuss the mysterious floors below. That place was what Joshua wanted to know more about. He feels like that's what his organization is after. Whatever was happening there must be interesting. The two then idly talked, but the one who did most of the talking was the female guard.