Despite being an animatronic, Fuchs felt genuine surprise at how the entire area seemed to erupt in chaos. First Alex threatened the noble man and then was attacked by two bloodthirsty vampires. Things got even worse when two other students proceeded to transform into large beasts. One was a demon and the other a Heartless, things had gotten way out of hand. Fuchs was trying to decide what the best course of action would be. There were plenty of students fighting the two beasts and maybe his assistance wouldn't be needed. He decided to get a couple of shots in at the demon and heartless with his pyrokinesis. Fuchs gave each of the two foes a blast of extremely hot flames and he was glad to see that their combined effort was able to take down the demon and now it looked like the Heartless was contained by the other group. "This is most definitely not the way to give good first impressions" he aloud as he stood watching the others.